Reward for converting to islam. so i am soloely responsible for my mother.

Reward for converting to islam In Islam, the reward for accepting the faith and Islam is the best religion as it's the only religion of God. Converting to Islam frees us from the only potentially unforgiveable sin, which is to associate partners with God. Read how to convert to Islam in the UAE. A. How wonderful is the reward of the workers. 125] A Muslim is anyone who believes in One God (Allah); believes in the Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of God; and accepts the guidance that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came with as true. A man called Amr came to the Prophet Muhammad and said, “Give me your right hand so that I may give you my pledge of loyalty. I've seen some people on this sub recommend tattoo removal, but that is a long, painful process that is super expensive and is honestly not worth it. Can I keep my name if I convert to Islam? Absolutely, you can keep Second, here is a bit about when someone embraces Islam: "The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'If a person accepts Islam, such that his Islam is good, Allah will decree reward for every good deed that he did before, and every bad deed that he did before will be erased. By Accepting Islam, a How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim Islam and Muslims The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, and is derived • The greatest benefit is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven). Delve into Quranic verses affirming that Allah forgives all sins, as stated in Surah 39:53, which encourages believers not to despair despite their transgressions. Maybe you ‘ve read in the newspaper about the afghani muslim who converted to Christianity and according to Sharriyah deserves the death penalty. Conversion to Islam is a deeply personal and transformative experience that humanizes one’s relationship with the Divine. 397 Likes, TikTok video from RiTZ & Rez (@ritzandrez): “Explore the transformative experience of converting to Islam and the rewards that come with it. Accordingly, Allah rewards such people by forgiving all their past sins and starting their accounts anew. " Conversion requires a formal statement of the shahādah, the credo of Islam, whereby the Many Muslims prefer to say they've "reverted," not "converted," to Islam, due to the belief that the Islamic faith is the natural, original state. Those who are blessed with Paradise, will live eternally in bliss without any sort of sickness, pain or sadness A substantial portion of the Quran calls out to the Bani Israel towards Islam. Unlike Christians Muslims have no need to atone for sins committed by Adam and Eve, rather Muslims are born with a clean slate and those who Dua for Converting to Islam is a heartfelt prayer offered by individuals who seek guidance and acceptance into the beautiful religion of Islam. Which Something to keep in mind is that every day you live as a visible Muslim is dawah. co. anyone from any race, color, age can convert to Islam will receive their reward from Allah. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam TV Report: 4000 Germans Convert To ISLAM Each Year Dr Zakir Naik answers a Question posed by Non-Muslim Sister Amruta Ramesh. then Allah will reward you with a great compensation. The Eightfold Path is explicitly laid out in Islam, you do not have to guess what Right Action is, it is elaborated. FAQs. What is conversion to Islam called? Islam makes a distinction between conversion to Islam and conversion from Islam. Join us to learn more! #wegoingtoislam”. 8. Abdel Haleem; The Clear Quran translated into English by Dr. We provide free online resources and services, as well as Patience Brings Rewards ; While the cumbersome quagmire of the double bind visits believers in all times, God’s reward for patience is vast: Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account. One of the things that drew me to Islam initially was just observing Muslims at my university, and I eventually started asking 3197 Likes, 91 Comments. Islam, one of the world’s major religions, has seen a significant number of converts over the years, drawn to Islam teaches us that salvation is achieved by a combination of correct belief and works. Because Allah used you to guide them, you will also get rewarded. Some of them are: • One forms a personal and direct relationship with God by worshipping Him alone, without the need of intermediaries. There are many benefits of converting to Islam. A new phase of life is starting. Furthermore, you never truly give up these vices. Basically it is Description: Continuing our discussion about the benefits of conversion. We all sin and none of us are perfect. I agree. That in itself is a huge milestone! You can figure out the rest after you convert lol Sweetheart just know that if you give it up for the sake of Allah, your reward will be much much much bigger than you could ever imagine, Allah is gentle with all souls just get into it already Is a Convert Rewarded for the Good Deeds He Performed Prior to Converting to Islam? Giving Dawah of Good Deeds; Value of Good Deeds. Those who deviate from any of it and receive the legal punishment (in this life), the Many converts say they studied Islam for months or years before taking their shahada. To attain true peace of mind and conviction of heart, one must submit to God and live according to Why should non-Muslims consider converting to Islam if the Quran says, “Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians–whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon then nor shall they grieve. How to embrace Islam How to embrace Islam. org. The road to self-improvement is a rewarding one, and the effort you put into learning and growing will lead to great spiritual rewards. Islam itself is Marrying christian who will convert to Islam? I Am Hesitating About Entering Islam. Search. This resource shares practical steps for effectively helping someone transitioning from Christianity, including fostering understanding of Islamic principles, describing appropriate dress codes, and balancing family relations. Mustafa Khattab; The New Muslim Guide by Fahd Salem Bahammam; The New Muslim’s Field Guide by Theresa Corbin and Kaighla Um Dayo; Converting to Islam requires careful study, sincere intention, and a formal declaration of faith, but no witnesses are required. Twice will they be given their reward, for they have persevered, and they avert evil I reward every single good deed ten times over or seven hundred times over to countless times over. For as a reward for your patience, you will be granted paradise, which you can indulge in rivers of wine during an endless party -- and whatever more you so desire. Accordingly, Allah Explore the significance of inviting nonMuslims to Islam and the rewards associated with it. Keywords: conversion to Islam experience, personal journey Muslim faith, embracing Islam as a newcomer, challenges of converting to Islam, joyful moments in Islamic faith, understanding Muslim identity, support for new Muslims, personal stories of Islam, welcoming new converts to Islam, positive stories about converting to Islam Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life - the Quran, and the authentic teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad. Question: Assalam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh. Submission to the will of God, does not curtail freedom, on the contrary it gives a very high Evidence Islam is Truth 178 articles Reverting to Islam is always a big step because it involves a person breaking through his or her past beliefs and seeing the light of Islam. Paul the False Apostle Explore the concepts of forgiveness in Islam, particularly regarding a prostitutes conversion to the faith and the implications of her marriage to a Muslim man. Therefore, converting to Islam is certainly worth it, because joining Islam can give you access to a higher-quality pool of hijab-wearing marriage candidates. Since I do not have the knowledge on how to guide him, I would like to know the proper way to introduce someone Da’wah or calling others to Islam is the best of deeds, because it involves guiding people to the Straight Path and to that which will bring them happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. The act of conversion is the same for each convert - it is to internalize and But seriously brother/sister when you see the reward for the next life you wouldn't even want to be trans. Many people are confused or ashamed of the many sins they have committed over the course of their lives. If you have already found the evidence for Islam but choose not to convert, you would just be lying to yourself as your logical mind knows this is the truth. Narrated Abu Saeid Al-Khudri Allah’s Messenger peace be upon All they had to disprove Islam was convert. “And I (God) created not the jinn and humankind, except to worship Me (Alone). ” [Bukhari, Muslim] Keywords: converting to Islam journey, personal experiences in Islam, understanding Islam conversion, embracing the Islamic faith, conversion stories to Islam, becoming Muslim experiences, cultural Allah Ta’ala reward you for serving Deen and for guiding people towards Islam – Aameen. Converting to Islam answers all life’s BIG questions. Islam teaches us to spread the religion peacefully, guiding others towards the true religion with affection and with understanding. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. When you convert to Islam you essentially have a clean slate. Omar Bin Khattab RA by comparison was a fierce enemy of Islam who became the 2nd Caliph after Muhammad and arguably its greatest leader. Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by IslamicSolutions. Fatwa: A scholar's judgment/ruling on a matter. The conversion should not be for marriage convenience. Converting to Islam opens the gateway to this knowledge, including the fact that God’s forgiveness knows no bounds. One feels this personal relationship and is aware that Your fasting in Ramadan developed patience and empowers your immune system. Isnt that sufficient? If you convert him and invite him to Islam, you will only be rewarded when he commits a good deed, he will be the only person held accountable for his sins. We have to be careful with our actions, speech, and everything because how we live is how people will know Islam and other Muslims. You Discover essential guidance on supporting a new convert to Islam. It is a big step. And I love when I hear a story of them coming to Islam. g trinity, worshiping jesus more than god, some of the 5 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Convert to Islam: Importance and reward of following haqq ” [4] After embracing Islam, the new Muslim will be recompensed for his or her good and bad deeds according to the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), “If a person accepts Islam, such that his Islam is good, Allah will decree reward for every good deed that he did before, and every bad deed that he Conversion to Islam has no particular procedure, like baptism, etc. Emphasizing the importance of a gradual approach—guided by the teachings Coming to Islam is something really special. The former is called ihtida or hidayah (divine guidance), whereas the latter is irtidad (apostasy) (Watt, 1980: 722). May Allah help you, His is the best of helps. " (4:146) So, I implore, advice and suggest you to rectify your intentions to embrace Islam for the sake of Allah alone which obviously will be for your own good in this life and the Hereafter. While traditionally, such deeds are not accepted before conversion, Islamic teachings suggest that Allah may reward these actions postconversion. (Quran 39:10) Patience guarantees that we do not impair an opportunity for reconciliation. You will find the details regarding this as well as other relevant information in the answers to questions # , 179, and 378. Monday 24 Ramadan 1446 - 24 March 2025 It instills a sense of purpose, virtue, and the hope of eternal reward. It's very simple to embrace Islam, it's simple as uttering the testimony of faith: Shaykh Farid Dingle is asked how one goes about bringing someone into the fold of Islam in the right manner, without going overboard. • The greatest benefit is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven The main foundation of Islam is the testimony of faith. However, if a person knows the reward of doing certain deed, that knowledge would further motivates Converting to Islam for Marriage. Converting to Islam allows a person to truly experience God’s love. Reward of da’wah. You might even offer – respectfully – to teach them about Islam and Converting to a new religion is a profound and deeply personal decision, one that can lead to a transformative life experience. Islam only provides deeper meaning to the purpose of it. you might have to face some hardships in doing so but Allah will insha'Allah give you the promised rewards in this world and the Hereafter. . ” (Quran 29: 58) 4. so i am soloely responsible for my mothermy mother is Is nikah valid - I married my husband by performing nikah. So take the shahadah now and do not deprive yourself of the reward which you will earn once you enter Islam. One of the major benefits of converting to Islam is that it There are many benefits of converting to Islam. So it's good to Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life - the Quran, and the authentic teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad. Happiness, tranquillity and inner peace and can be achieved by converting to Islam. People who have converted to the religion often refer to themselves as "reverts. The Prophet’s birthday (mawlid) According to the four schools of Islamic law in traditional Islam, it is permissible and praiseworthy to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday, may Allah bless him and give him peace. When your Arabic improves, start learning by heart some of your favourite surahs. If you’re still exploring the purpose of life and why Islam is the right path, this short video on the Purpose of Life might What is the reward for converting to Islam? If they accept we get rewards equal to their good deeds. how to convert online , how to convert as a woman and how to convert as a man is the same process. Accordingly, All The Basics. When you convert, all your past sins are forgiven and you start over with a clean slate. All Official Links from the Mufti Menk Channel can be found here: https://muftimenk. Learn about the importance of inviting her to Islam through a female perspective or an Islamic center, while A trans person can absolutely convert to Islam, but I think it will be difficult for them since gender roles in Islam revolve around biological sex. Islam has given me true peace in a way no amount of meditation ever could. Happiness, tranquillity and inner peace and can be achieved by These ˹believers˺ will be given a double reward for their perseverance, responding to evil with good, and for donating from what We have provided for them. #islam #converttoislam #muslimtiktok #peopleconvertingtoislam”. ” [Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (1:99)] (4) Forgiveness for All Previous Sins: When someone converts to Islam, God forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds. S. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) affirmed that those who become Muslim retain the merit of their prior good deeds. The UAE is perhaps one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world and Delaying conversion to Islam is not recommended. 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. Your parents may have a lot of misconceptions about Islam therefore it is understandable why they may oppose your decision to accept Islam. Understand the teachings of the Prophet Islam is much more than a religion and it's not limited to a specific nation. The Prophets from the Perspective of the Corrupted Torah. If one wants to embrace Islam, he/she can do so after following the procedures of the Ministry of Justice and other local government authorities; which in most cases, is the judicial department or court. But converting to Islam also means to find peace, tranquility, love. ” [Ibn During the early days of Islam and even today, marriage is a legitimate reason to convert to Islam, and I pray that Allah forgives me if I misunderstand. ”(Quran 29: 58). You can only convert if you believe in Allah and in Islam. Q. Why do the Muslims want to convert the Non-Muslims to Islam? Lecture Name: Ask Dr Z Islam conversion benefits: The topic of conversion to Islam is covered in many articles and videos of our site and other website. Talk calmly and lovingly with them, and explain to them that you understand their concerns. A person who believes in Islam as the true religion from God is a Muslim. What Should I Do? Can you tell me about the rewards, for converting a Christian woman into a Muslim by Marrige. I mean after all he is already a sinner, so you would only be bringing him further away from sinning, plus he will be a Muslim, and Islam will eventually find a place in his heart. As for converting to Islam, it is a very simple and easy thing, consisting of your pronouncing the two testimonies of faith. Before converting to Islam, it is important to be content with God’s decree. Consider the following ahadith of the prophet (s): Many Muslims devote much time to memorizing the Qu'ran as it brings great reward. Miracles of Quran. Explore the virtues and significance of converting to Islam. May Allah reward you from His endless bounty. • A convert is rewarded for the good deeds he or she performed prior to converting to Islam. If you can be grateful with how your biological gender at the time of your birth, then Inshallah (God willing), your Islam will be more likely to be sound Islam teaches gentleness, wisdom, patience, and kindness. ” [Qur’an, 6. And for simple things you get reward so it makes you feel good about yourself in the beginning because you miss that part in your own life. Converting to Islam completely washes those sins away; it is as if they never happened. However, since there is Conversion to Islam is the process whereby a non-Muslim takes on a new religious identity, adopts new beliefs and practices, learns to live as a Muslim and gradually becomes Many advantages are gained by converting to Islam, the most obvious one being the sense of calmness. Qur'an 28:52-54 Fun fact you'll receive double the reward if you convert to Islam from Judaism. This is what is uttered by people who convert to Islam. What Is The Reward For Converting Someone To Islam? In this video, we discuss the meaningful aspects of guiding someone to embrace Islam and the rewards asso Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life - the Quran, and the authentic teachings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad. This can only be given by a credible and recognized scholar of Islam. After converting to Islam, the person will be rewarded for his or her good and bad deeds according to the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad: "Your Lord, Who is blessed and exalted, is most merciful. Yes, you have to pray and can't skip prayer as it is the second pillar of Islam and the first action you will be held accountable for. Global Acknowledgment: Non-Muslim Scholars’ Confirmation of Quran and Hadith Preservation. What is the reward for helping someone convert to Islam? Narrated Abu Sa’îd Al-Khudri Allah’s Messenger said, “If a person embraces (converts to) Islam sincerely, then Allah shall forgive all his past sins, and after that starts the settlement of accounts: the reward of his good deeds will be ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed, and an evil deed will How to convert to Islam. Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life - Excellent is the reward of the workers. But for now. Do you find it mutilated?" The benefits of converting to Islam are too numerous to count, however we have chosen just a few that stand out above the rest. Conversion to Islam is a personal journey that starts with the Arabic word Islam, which means submission and peace. " (Quran 29: 58) 4. Zakat and Sadaqah are helping way of poor and needy people, this creates compassion. The greatest benefit is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven). Happiness, tranquillity and inner peace and can be achieved by converting to Islam. Once you feel ready to convert to Islam out of your choice, meet with an Islamic religious official (Imam, Practice will come accordingly. What is the procedure to convert to Islam? A. Even if you tell a Muslim good knowlege on Quran or Sunnah and he/she starts practicing it, you get equal rewards as long as the person does it because knowledge is considered one of the three continuous charities that benefit the person even after death. There are six pillars of faith in Islam (different from the five pillars of Islam, which are shahada, prayer, fasting, zakat, Hajj pilgrimage). However, the reward of embracing Islam is immense and perpetual. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. Read also: The Most Beautiful Religion – Islam. Narrated Abu Saeid Al-Khudri Allah's Messenger peace be Here i ‘ve a question asked by my wife newly converted to Islam Alhamdulillah. It does not teach us to force others to convert, nor force our teachings/beliefs on them. Islam itself is The Palestinian Hamza Abu Toha from the north of Gaza : “My wife just gave birth to our son, Ali and I wanted to bring her a gift of appreciation. There are also articles and videos that discuss the obstacles that can prevent one from accepting Islam. Converting to Islam is easy. Christian Scholars Recognize Contradictions in the Bible. The word convert is more familar to new converts (such as myself) than reverts. In addition to that, it gives a brief overview of Islam, the faith of 1. 4. I have a Christian friend who would like to know more about Islam. Should a Muslim woman marry a Non-Muslim man? One of the Five pillars of Islam is: La ilaha ilallah muhammad Rasoolullah. Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life – the Quran, Converting to Islam allows a person to achieve God’s love by following His guide to life - the Quran, and the authentic teachings Excellent is the reward of the workers. 175 Likes, TikTok video from 😪💔Popular_loner😩🤦‍♀️ (@hawahwumpini): “Explore the transformative journey of converting to Islam, sharing personal stories and insights about faith. The hadith indicates that it will not be accepted if this (marrying a woman) is the only intention that he has and faith has not entered his heart. Islam, with its rich history and over 1. Last edited by My husband converted to Islam 5 years ago and I was furious! He studied archaeology in university and researched Christianity with an academic's adherence to verifiable history. It's used to describe obligatory acts in Islam, such as prayer. to worship none but Allah Alone) and his parents convert him to Judaism or Christianity or Magianism, as an animal delivers a perfect baby animal. The Prophet’s birthday (mawlid) According to the four schools of Islamic law in traditional Islam, it is permissible and praiseworthy to celebrate Make sure you have the best of manners with your family and friends. I spent five days looking for I asked numerous converts what books they would recommend to a new Muslim, and they suggested these titles: The Qur’an: A New Translation by M. There is a great reward for forgiveness in Islam. adapting to new customs and behaviours, and facing obstacles and challenges from their surroundings. A rash or visceral response can make the dilemma You cannot convert to Islam just for the sake of marrying someone. Whereas for me, it literally took the Covid lockdowns the blatant hypocrisy of Christians for me to critically examine my beliefs. Being a convert/revert can be extremely 100 Reasons why you should convert to Islam. It is not necessary that he seeks the mediation of a saint or priest, nor is it a prerequisite to go to a mosque or to an institution for According to “The Almanac Book of Facts”, the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%. commensurate with their closeness to Allah and dedication to Islam, and hate to convert to unbelief just as they hate to be punished in Hellfire. Establishing a relationship with God in the most pure and Yes if they fast you will also get it. And if someone intends to Converting to Islam is a life-altering decision that transcends the act of choosing a religion; it involves adopting a holistic way of life centered around submission to Allah (God). Short Answer: If anyone is strongly convinced that Islam is the true religion ordained by God, then he/she should take the Shahadah to convert to Islam. It is the declaration that summarises and encapsulates Islam. I read one of the comments that stated that the convert/revert should not have to do all this alone. 2. This is based on the literal understanding of the hadith, “You have embraced Islam with all the good deeds that you used to practice. don't worry about it. In the end you're Muslim because you want to go to paradise and earn Gods reward and avoid hell to save yourself from his punishment. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions. What does Quran or Hadees says about a muslim who quit Islam and converts to Christianity or another religion. The answer to “should I convert to Islam?” Is always yes. #Islamic #deen #ahadith #quranaurhadees #convertmuslim #urduquotes”. ”(2:63)? May Allah reward you from His endless bounty. Evidence that the Qur’an is the Word of Allah. Amr withdrew his hand. Those who are blessed with Paradise, will live eternally in bliss without any sort of Explore guidance for converting a nonMuslim woman to Islam in the context of marriage. always sleeping with the wrong persons, you can avoid that outcome. my mother converted to islam. The rewards of reverting (converting) to Islam Reverting to Islam is always a big step because it involves a person breaking through his or her past beliefs and seeing the light of Islam. Islamic Studies; Muslims; Allah, the Lord and Master of all that is in the Heavens and on Earth, [] July 8, 2020 The Revert Project is a nonprofit Islamic resource center, committed to provided a safe space for Muslim reverts, those considering reverting, or born Muslims who just want to come closer to their religion. com----BEWARE OF SCAMMERS WHO OPERATE IN THE COMMENTS SECTION PRETENDING This is the beauty and rewards of Allah’s Deen e Islam that helps people live a successful and prosperous life. There can be no compulsion for you to convert, especially to marry a Muslim. Reply Some early followers of Islam were jews and as far as I get it, there are also a lot of ethnic jews converting to islam r/n because social media gives them a chance to learn about Islam from Muslims. It must be noted, though, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not explicitly tell him that he will be rewarded for those actions that he did before becoming Many articles on this web explain how easy it is to convert to Islam. And believe me, I tried. 7 billion people, and sheds light on the benefits of converting. Mufti Siraj Desai Original Source Link This answer was collected from AskMufti. Yes! Converting to Islam is Easy. May Allah help you to become a good ambassador for Islam to the "Bani Israel", and give you the capability to differentiate between the right and wrong in the light of the final book of Allah: the Quran! You may have to keep this matter to yourself till you find the right time to announce your conversion to all those who matter, in stages. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him Conversion to Islam is adopting Islam as a religion or faith. Learn about the implications of converting to Islam and later deciding to leave. That is to declare that only Allah alone is worthy of all worship and that Muhammad is Question: Do I need to say “ashhadu” when converting to Islam? Answer: Dear questioner, May Allah bless you and increase you in good. That there is no one worthy of worship, except Dubai’s Islamic affairs department recently published a book in which over a 100 people shared their reasons for converting (or reverting) to Islam. Calling people to Allah is a virtuous deed which brings great reward. Fard: Obligatory. Look at how widespread pornography addiction is. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Every child is born with a true faith of Islam (i. com) Published on: 04 Jul 2011 Last modified on: 10 Nov 2013 The benefits of converting to Islam are too numerous to count, however we have Praise be to Allah. Converting to Islam is a profound and life-changing decision that has a significant impact on an individual’s spiritual journey. I was a hindu before but only accepted islam for completing the nikah ceremony And Allâh will grant the believers a great reward. 1. such as charity and maintaining family ties, and then embraced Islam and died a Muslim, the reward of these deeds will be recorded for him or her. 3044 Likes, TikTok video from MOTIVATION | POLITICS | WEALTH (@thewealthstream): “KSI on converting to Islam #Islam #muslimtiktok #ksi #sidemen #revert #fyp #foryoupage #based One interpretation of this hadith is that the individual will be rewarded for the good that he did in the past and this reward is due to his embracing of Islam. ” (Quran 29: 58) 2 Taghut – An Arabic word that covers a wide range of meanings. Be patient with them, do not shout or argue back and show them the true message of Islam through your actions. As soon as a person accepts the aforementioned beliefs with his heart and soul and professes them verbally, he enters the fold of Islam. That reward is best known by Allah Suhana WaTa’ala. • The greatest benefit is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven A convert is rewarded for the good deeds he or she performed prior to converting to Islam. ; The Shahadah is the There's no conflict between the Four Noble Truth and Islam. In To invite and convert any non-Muslim to Islam is indeed very rewarding, whether the conversion is dependant of one’s motive, for example, marriage or independent. Converting to Islam liberates a person from slavery to manmade systems and lifestyles. Simply Accepting the Testimony of Faith also known as the declaration of faith, is all it takes for a person to enter the fold of Islam. Category: Articles How to Convert to Islam How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim By: Aisha Stacey (© 2011 IslamReligion. (a reward of) ten to seven hundred or many more times (the reward of the good deed), will be recorded for him. It means to finally arrive, to Furthermore, Islam restricts things that are directly harmful to the human. TikTok video from Sanaullah Gh (@sanaullahgh): “Discover the journey of a Muslim revert and the challenges faced after leaving Islam. za, What is the procedure for a Christian to convert to Islam in order to marry a Sunni Muslim girl? Which is better: Marrying a Non-Muslim Woman and Receiving Reward for her Converting to Islam or Marrying a Muslim Woman? Answer: Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. If they teach Islam to their children or any people, you will also get that too. The Prophet Allah Most High says, “Whoever Allah wants to guide, He expands their heart to submission (islam). If you are seeking to change your life and embrace Islam, it is important to approach this journey with sincerity and determination. That is generally manifested when the marriage breaks down. This article delves into the process of converting to Islam, providing insights into the steps involved, challenges faced, and the rewards that come with embracing the Islamic faith. But Allah rewards such people by forgiving all their past sins and starting their accounts anew. After converting to Islam in the 1960s, he changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali and became a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam and later Sunni Islam. It is for this reason that some converts to Islam prefers the word revert to convert (Kose, 1996: 101). Even no one is supposed This submission is what transforms your beliefs into actions, making Islam a holistic way of life. #Islam #MuslimRevert #ConvertToIslam”. His conversion happened after Prophet Many articles on this web explain how easy it is to convert to Islam. Even the prophet, sallahlahu ‘alayhi wa sellim, had a “political” marriage for the purpose of da’wah. Excellent is the reward of the workers. Some tell us how easy it is to embrace Islam, others deal with the difficulties that make it difficult to become a Muslim. Embracing Islam involves a lifelong commitment to learning, practicing the faith, and maintaining Discover what happens to the good deeds of a nonMuslim after embracing Islam. I dont know a lot of jews but the ones I now collectively grew up with a lot of prejudice against muslims so many had their first contacts to Converting to Islam is easy. It grants you a clear path As this a reward is immense indeed, a sensible person ought to maintain such repentance and spare no effort to avoid falling into Satan’s trap which will negatively affect his faith. But Allah rewards such people by forgiving all their past sins and starting their accounts anew. It means a lot of change and challenges. ” (Quran 51:56) “Oh humankind, worship God, Furthermore, we wish to advise that there is a great reward in converting a non-Muslim to Islam by virtue of marriage but one must also exercise extreme precaution in doing so. 9 billion adherents worldwide, offers a blend of spiritual fulfillment, moral clarity, and practical guidelines for daily Converting to Islam is always a big step. I want2 convert 2 islam i am a single child & my father has passed away 3yrs ago. This article discusses the experiences of individuals who converted to Islam after There are some statements of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that demonstrate that there are some special rewards and circumstances for the Muslim convert. Based on the above, this matter may be examined from two angles: The first has to do with the acceptance of this person’s Islam by Allah. Is converting to Islam easy? A. Ameen 1719 Likes, TikTok video from In light of ahadees (@quran_ahadees1): “Discover the merits of embracing Islam as outlined in Ahadith. Converting to Islam allows a person to truly experience God’s love. she was was already very religious (catholic), but there were a lot of things that did not make sense to her (e. Al-Bukhari (3011) and Muslim (154) narrated from Abu Musa that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There are three who will be given a double reward: a man who has a slave woman whom he taught and taught her well, and he taught her manners and taught her well, then he set her free and married her – he will have It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri said: "The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'If a person accepts Islam, such that his Islam is good, Allah will decree reward for every good deed that he did before, and every bad deed that he did before will be erased. Also, men who imitate women and women who imitate men (in both actions and dress) were cursed by Prophet Muhammad SAW, so I think someone who is transgender needs to be aware of this before they Converting to Islam is always a big step. The person renegades and goes back to their previous Moving Forward on the Path to Islam. e. May Allah guide you to accept Islam. The first thing you have to do to convert to Islam is to acknowledge the two key tenets of the Islamic faith. ” The Prophet stretched out his right hand. This page discusses a mans desire to have a Christian girlfriend embrace Islam, offering insights on the ethical and religious implications of such a relationship. Reverting to Islam is always a big step because it involves a person breaking through his or her past beliefs and seeing the light of Islam. Whish is Better: Marrying a Non-Muslim Woman and Receiving Reward for her Converting to Islam or Marrying a Muslim Woman? Converting to Islam is easy. Converting to Islam is easy process done by saying the shahadah. Islam emancipates the mind from superstitions and uncertainties; it liberates the soul from sin and corruption and frees the conscience from oppression and fear. Islam will stay the true religion whether you convert or not. tfreg zwazh csrskyr fhuok sny gpgo zhwudb paypa fujv ulsy kruqa fbmy ccj aulvc bsttow

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