Obiee case when null In OBIEE, they are using a case statement like,CASE WHEN NOT AMOUNT IS NULL THEN AMOUNT ELSE 0. cuentafacturacion cf on The problem is that I have no row, when one of those counts are null. RPT_YEAR = 2010 then 1 else 0 end = 1 ) order by c1, c3 This is a CASE last_name WHEN null THEN '' ELSE ' '+last_name After the when, there is a check for equality, which should be true or false. Gianni Ceresa Mod. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate category. Obiee measures show null values only. SYSDATE) - C_Date This could be possible I'm trying to replace a null column with 'N/A', and I know that it's a different data format, but this is what the client is asking for. Make sure you have server complex aggregate on this, a lot of the time the result of case statements fails because OBIEE tries to evaluate AFTER aggregation. OBIEE 11. value) + “%”; break; case “endsWith”: CASE "Main Fact". Improve this answer. "Response Date" END I also tried IFNULL, and that did not work either. BYE WHERE (SubjectArea3. When building an analysis in OBIEE, what would be the code to enter into the "Column Formula" box in "New Calculated Measure" if I want to create a new column where null values are override with existing values? If no ELSE expression is specified, the system automatically adds an ELSE NULL. S. The column in the repository is configured to 'Nullable'. 4. [event date]+10) -- type datetime else '-' -- type varchar end as [date] You need to select one type or the other for the field, the field type can't vary by row. Match. SSN AND SubjectArea1. Create a date dimension. Content. TYPE_OF_ASSITANCE_CODE IN CASE "Main Fact". But when I try to do the same thing by adding a condition to the column formula, it doesn't work. Specifying a constant literal would result in SECOND, in obiee answers i added kk2 to the previous query and got OneMeasure | KK2 _____ |_____ Null(empty column)| Null(empty column) case when not D1. Here's what I currently have and it's not working. LFDesc IS NULL) AND(timestampdiff(sql_tsi_month, SubjectArea2. 1 that maps tables on Oracle Database 11. Thank you in advance! Hi We have a user who would like to display Year on Year variance. for OBIEE that means a logical fact table only contains measures and keys (which are never exposed and used further than the logical layer) AND an alias of This is the short and default answer. This would be the logical answer, if last year’s value is null Case when columns is NULL then 0 else column end 4) data formate override custom formate option It seems that the syntax for this custom format is positive-value-mask (semi colon) negative-value-mask (semi colon) null-mask. Hi All, I need to convert this in to OBI : Register to the Data Intelligence Summit Mexico City Register today to the Oracle Analytics Data Intelligence Summit in Mexico City on April 8th. The General section of the NQSConfig. The only difference between both is that the OBI server in the client environment is Unix and my OBI is installed in a Windows server. I am trying to insert the date field '01/01/1800 12:00:00 AM' if the date field has NULL values in it. COURSE_SCHEDULED_ID WHEN NULL THEN Columns with NULL values causing problem in calculation - obiee 10g. There were two different processes that wrote entries in the CONTACT table and one of them was faulty, writing the entire name in the FIRST_NAME column, though it Hi Gurus, How do we display 0. We need the system to deal with NULL values as Zeros and so return 100. P. Here, my intention is to make those dates, which has ZERO values to be populated with CURRENT_DATE. CASE WHEN your is null condition on UDF Value 01 THEN UDF Value 04 ELSE your calculation on UDF Value 01 END. Please sign in to comment. the case_switch You can enter it on every place where you create a logical sql as the formula in Presentation service but also in the BI Server Expression Builder. I wish to write a series of articles that show the impact of coding something in the RPD on the Physical query and where ( case when T1161285. case when VALUE_TEST. , case when case when d1. Toggle CASE式でNULLを用いる際の注意点. However, for a particular member of a dimension there is no last year value and hence we are trying to compare (say) 100 units to NULL and OBIEE is returning NULL. . "Response Date" WHEN NULL THEN '01/01/1800 12:00:00 AM' ELSE "Main Fact". PAR_ID IS NULL THEN PARTIES. CASE s. It seems that the syntax for this custom format is positive-value-mask (semi colon) negative-value-mask (semi colon) null-mask. For example, you can cast a customer_name (a data type of Char or Varchar) or birthdate (a datetime literal). I tried NVL but it is giving me an error, does NVL work in OBIEE or do we need to do something else. (HY000) If I use a "0" instead of N/A it works. It also contains default parameters that determine how data is sent from An empty string is the same as null in Oracle, and you can't compare anything to null. If the value in one of the column is null, the calculated column evaluates to null. Finally, try to go to Edit Dashboard Prompt, in Choice List Values drop-down list select SQL Results, then write the SQL statements as column name is not equals Hi, I am executing the statement in obiee answers i am getting error how to giv null condition after then: CASE WHEN "Work Order Details". [Entity Number], case when [Exp Year] = 2010 + 1 -- why not = 2011 ? then 'Expires in 1 to 5 Years' -- this does not match the logic on line above when [Exp Year] > 2010 + 5 -- why not > 2015 ? I want to handle IS NOT NULL in scripting. I need some help with case statement, all looks correct with exception of the last when statement which does not return anything, I think that is because the Accounts are used in prior when statements. OBIEE 11g – Advanced Prompts for Financial and Other Data such as ‘Last Year’, Last Month’ or ‘Last 6 Month’ SELECT CASE WHEN "Time". "COL NAME" END FROM SUBJECT AREA. This also works if Prompt the user to select only null, not null or all values from drop down harcoded list and reference it to the column. Table for this example: create table value_test (id number,col1 number, col2 varchar2(100)) A user in Oracle forums today had a question regarding using the following expression in OBIEE: NVL (A_Date,NVL (B_Date. RPT_YEAR = 2009 then 1 when T1161285. So this means we have a few options. Month, AccessTabF1. If one or both parts of a comparison is null, the result of the comparison will be UNKNOWN, which is treated like false in a case structure. SELECT AccessTabF1. This operator calculationhave two type: 1. In part For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. obiee_novice said There are columns in my physical layer marked as nullable and they are mapped to logical columns. CASE (Switch) CASE Score-par. segment1 in (case The "Null" column for measures should probably be default as 0. c2 end as c3. OPEN_DATE is NULL THEN Activity. Constraint. This can be achieved by simply applying PRIMARY_SHIP_TO_NAME is NOT NULL in reporting. Note: See Best Practices for using CASE CASE WHEN request_condition1 THEN expr1 ELSE expr2 END. DateNumber is double. RPT_QTR = 2 and T1161285. Solution The COALESCE function finds the first non-null value in the list. 6, prompt lists can contain "null" as a selection. Dealing with Null values oustystems. Go to column properties OBIEE11g: "NULL" Value in Prompts (NULL is showing as a value in the Prompts) or Removing NULL value from Prompts Hi All, In OBIEE 11g when we create a prompt on a column we can see "NULL" value is in the prompt. "FOLDER_HEADING". and birth_date is datetime. c2 desc nulls last) end <= 8 then case when d1. [stat] is null then (c. ClaimQtr='1' case numeromovil when null then numerotelefonocasa else numeromovil end else numerotelefono end as telefono, provincia from a001470. Sales Amount"",0. but is that correct way to code this scenario?Please help Regards, To replace the null values in Pivot table can be done using several method some method are as CASE Column WHEN NULL THEN 0. How can I add How to apply case statements in where clause in OBIEE? This could be a common reporting scenario and I just wanted to write this post, on how to create a case statement inside of a filter condition. Please let me know what I am doing worng. If the value in one of the column is null, the calculated column evalues to null. In the case above, if all values are selected then a null is passed to the parameter PV_TypeAssitant. com. 0. It effectively We have a requirement where we need to replace a NUMBER data type with NULL value (blank value). This is because the query that OBIEE )SubjectArea3 ON SubjectArea1. Follow answered Oct 25, 2016 at 3:03. 00), also if i put isnull is on the aggregated column which always has a value, as CASE WHEN "Dim1". case when b. I am able to filter out NULL values by creating an analysis, and when I do this the formula does work. Tim Biegeleisen Tim CASE WHEN "Dim1". – 1)Casting To date format To take only date from timestamp 2010-03-05 22:25:56 To 3/5/2010-----CAST ( CAST (colname AS TIMESTAMP ) AS DATE ) Also, checking the box to require user input will sometimes resolve this null value problem, however this is not always the case nor is it always possible depending on your situation. They are User_Profiles table and Parties table. So the only way to ensure this, is to use NULL When the variable is NUll - I need to display all the items. In the case when Dim2. When you have a prompt that shows a "drop-down" list to select from, it can include a "null" selection. and both columns can be null. SELECT distinct CASE WHEN USER_PROFILES. Use Case statement inside the COUNT function like: COUNT( CASE WHEN Col_1 is not null and col_2=0 and col_3=0 and col_4=0 and col_5=0 THEN 1 ELSE Col_1 END) WHERE Col_1 is the column which is always getting valid value and remaining 4 columns are numbers which may get value as 0 (zero) Cheers, Kalpesh If I change it and use the EXTRACT YEAR function instead, the NULL value dissapears. Posted by Kapil Patil at 05:35. 2 Sometimes, you want to mix number and string data type in one column because you want to send a conditional message : For instance, : if value > 1000, write “To Big” else value if value is null, write “No Data” else value If you write a function to get the above, you may get this kind of formula cscsconditional formattinconten:before or :after pseudo-elemenconditional Also, checking the box to require user input will sometimes resolve this null value problem, however this is not always the case nor is it always possible depending on your situation. if you want zeros (0) instead of null then enter: #,##0;-#,##0;0 2) in that formula columns we have put it below case condition also , Measure Column: Nom_amt --> edit formulas Create a logical column on your analysis that does a case statement that returns 1 or 0 depending if the values of column2 and column3 are the same (pretty much like the case-when that you provided on your answer but without the count distinct). "Month" IS NULL THEN 'Last Month' END FROM "Human Resources - Workforce Profile" UNION ALL . What can i do to resolve my issue? Comments. INI file contains parameters that are required for localization and internationalization. Do you actually have OBIEE in front of Hi, I'm defining a Logical Table with OBIEE version 10. 6. Following is the syntax. Additionally, go to Edit Dashboard Prompt, in Choice List Values drop-down list select SQL Results, then write the SQL statements as columnname is not equals to I can see that COUNT() Calculates the number or rows having non-null values for the expression. Year, AccessTabF1. "F College Enrolment". CASE WHEN test IS NULL AND SUBSTR(('99999999' - Tst_Date),1,4) > 2009 THEN 'Medi' WHEN test IS NULL AND SUBSTR(('99999999' - Tst_Date),1,4) < 2009 THEN 'hills' ELSE test END AS "Phy" Share. but is that correct way to code this scenario?Please help Regards, Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, OBIEE, Oracle BI, OBI EE, BI, best practices, examples and technical solutions from data modelling to reports and dashboard. CASE (Switch) This form of the CASE statement is also referred to as the CASE(Lookup) form. " "Import (No Aggr)"> 0 then 1 else 0 end' but all included in the string without being interpreted – CASE WHEN “Freight costing data”. BYE = SubjectArea3. Even i tried hardcoding the nulls to some text but still the prompt renders a Null in addition to the hardcoded value. 3. When the variable is not null I need to display the values passed in. This will give you either a consistent OBIEE 11. COURSE_SCHEDULED_ID WHEN IS NULL THEN which will throw "ORA-00936: missing expression" because IS NULL is a condition, not a value or expression. The COALESCE function finds "Get All" as the first non-null value. c2 is not null then I know this hotel is not what I want. Solution I am using CASE FUNCTION, to retrieve data from a subject area. Else show the 'Date' field. "SITES" || CHAR(39) s_1 FROM "TEST_CUBE" ORDER BY 1 ASC The CONTACT table in the source system had two columns storing the name: FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME. But in this scenario we have to replace a number data type value with a character ( Null value is considered as character in Obiee). OBIEE Answers 文章浏览阅读9. value) {case “beginsWith”: sValue = CFPSqlEscape(tForm. It returns NULL if all the arguments of the expression evaluates to NULL. SSN = SubjectArea3. For example, col1 + col2 If col2 is null, then expression evaluates to null. Is The most trickiest part of RPD development is to ensure that OBIEE generates a tuned physical query. CASE WHEN TRIM(us_1. Make sure you have chronological key for at least date and month levels (date only might surprise you when comparing shorter and longer month) and use . When I try to use a case statement it works for the NULL Value (all items are displayed) But Fails when a selection list is sent in. productoadquirido pa inner join a001470. I'm trying to replace a null column with 'N/A', and I know that it's a different data format, but this is what the client is asking for. column is dragged on the criteria you will get null rows. So I text qualified it myself by modifying the list of available values in the Parameter. The column in the database does not have any null values. I am creating a database prompt for a report and in dropdown sql results Iam giving the below query. "Answer (Choice) (BL)" END. You must manage the null : like adding a CASE WHEN all around to not execute that formula if any of the parameters are null 文章浏览阅读4w次,点赞11次,收藏9次。本文介绍了在mysql中如何正确地使用case when then语句来判断某字段是否为null,并提供了两个具体的示例。此外,还对比了使用ifnull函数的方法,并指出其在某些情况下可能拥有更高的效率。 Expressions are building blocks for creating conditional expressions that convert a value from one form to another. "WO Start Date" = ' 01/01 This function changes the data type of an expression or a null literal to another data type. This article shows how you can configure OBIEE to not show "null" in any drop-down prompt. Hi, I have a requirement wherein in one of the Date/Time fields in OBIEE, whenever we encounter a particular date value, say 23-Mar-2010, then I want to display NULL value in the report column having Data type as Date/Time. Robert Angel Rank 8 (the OBIEE type) And can these columns be null ? 0. See more To calculate Open Date , there is a case statement (CASE WHEN ACTIVITY. In you first version you have. Wrap that case statement with a MAX grouped by your column1. "Currency Code" = 'USD' THEN 'IC' Scenario: Sometimes it is necessary to display numeric values in specified format or replace the null values in table or pivot table with zeros or custom text. we can write case statement as IF() statement. August 2016. “Shipped Lbs” is not null THEN “Freight costing data”. To achieve this we have done a simple manipulation using a case When using CASE statements in reports and workbooks, consider the report columns and the order of aggregation because these affect how expressions and sub-totals are calculated. returned from OBIS. The simplest is to remove the ELSE '-' and let it implicitly get the value NULL instead for the second case. Thank you! Good point by noogrub. 0, to force it to be float. CASE WHEN "Agreement Sent Date". This is what I'm using: IFNULL(COLUMN, 'N/A') I want to be efficient and pass a null when all values are desired which in most cases mean that there is no filtering in the query. Goal. Date is 1969 then cast it as 'NULL' or '0'. SELECT DISTINCT CHAR(39) || "TEST_CUBE". Then, link both tables using the dummy column. Some sort them at the end, some at the beginning. PAR_ID ELSE Avoid Null in OBIEE dashboard prompts SELECT CASE WHEN TRIM(TABLE. “Shipped Lbs” ELSE 0 END. For example I have a program course with 2 objectives and 2 courses, then it will display . This article is about the case expressionin OBIEE Logical SQL. the case_if 2. So anything less than 6 should be null except for example values - 7654, 4567, 8013, 2038. WHEN "Account" IN (1,2) AND "Currency". But i cant suggest this solution to users who all are creating ad hoc reports. The goal is to remove the "NULL" display from the dashboard prompt. Oracle OBIEE Null and ' ' 1. Thanks, Vivek Trick is to add a "dummy row" via UNION to the second table and create a "dummy column" in the first table (via CASE WHEN column IS NULL) that uses some placeholder value in place of null values. OBIEE 12c is displaying 'NULL' in the dashboard prompt. So then you might think you could do: CASE s. Is it the default behaviour for a text field with nulls when used in prompts or am i missing something to remove the But my problem is that i have a header id column, and the result as to appear as for the dates between (1-1-2006 to 31-5-2015) it has to show the header id only with the null values and not the header id that is not null values and for the remaining dates say from (1st june 2015[01-06-2015] to 18th june 2015[18-06-2015]) it has to show all the Hi All Gurus, Pls help me how to crack this case statement. Results show the correct data plus a line with null value. Expressions include: This form of the CASE statement is also CASE starts the CASE statement. This logical table maps two LTS and contains a date column that has a value only for 1 of In OBIEE, How will I handle the null value in join conditions? I have 2 tables inner joined together in the RPD level. "Date" = '1969-12-12' THEN CAST(NULL as TIMESTAMP) ELSE "Agreement Sent Date". 0 version please refer the BUG reference : Bug 13054445 - REPLACING NULL VALUES WITH "0" IN AN OBIEE 11G PIVOT TABLE IS Mapviewer. RPT_QTR = 1 and T1161285. Is there a way to get the last statement to work? CASE. start_date IS NULL THEN CAST('NA' AS DATE) ELSE "Dim1". Is it possible using CASE function or other function? Otherwise, Oracle returns null. After years of writing ETL code, if there's one thing I hate to be The issue was when OBIEE builds the SQL string it doesn't text qualify the Variable. The primary use case for INDEXCOL is for the first argument to contain a session variable. I didn’t do this at the ETL level because the record would be lost as the join would fail with the Time Dimension in OBIEE. "Date" END. CREATED_DATE ELSE Expressions are building blocks for creating conditional expressions that convert a value from one form to another. I expect the output from the select case recordchar is a formula that contains all the eg: select case when 'A' then 'Sum (case when "Misures-mymeasure (No Aggr). var sValue = null; switch (tForm. Infact the date that i have used in the TIMESTAMPDIFF compar Oracle does seem to treat empty strings and NULL the same in comparisons like this, but you it can be hard to debug if you get in the habit of relying on NULL and '' being the same. 00 ELSE Column END REPLACING NULL VALUES WITH "0" IN AN OBIEE 11G PIVOT TABLE IS NOT WORKING . c2 is not null then rank over (order by d1. g. I would add ELSE status before END so if a new status does creep in you get the base status value rather than a null for STATUSTEXT. Ever since version 11. You can use the functionality of MapViewer to label the features of a theme (called a layer for maps in Oracle BI EE) using a specific language or locale. 5k次,点赞2次,收藏5次。 Oracle中使用case when then 判断某字段是否为null,和判断是否为 字符 或 数字 时的写法不一样:错误方法:(zhaohao 已实践,的确是不行。虽然不会报错,但是结果不对的)格 However, when I add an extra attribute column from Fact A (for example TYPE columns), Fact B column seen as NULL . "COL NAME") IS NULL THEN 'NULL VALUE' ELSE TABLE. Qtr, (CASE WHEN SubjectArea1. c1 is null then D1. The command is: CASE "Candidate Q&A". SUM(CASE WHEN "Enrolment - College". We have IFNULL function to replace a NULL value. from SAWITH0 D1 ) D1 where rownum <= 65001. Doesn't really matter. The value of expr1 is examined, then the WHEN expressions. "Program Start Date" is not NULL and OBIEE can easily figure out the result since DIM 1 is joined to both Fact 1 and Fact 2. In general, when using CASE expressions, make OBIEE 11g Case Insensitive Search on Dashboard Prompt To make case insensitive search on Dashboard Prompt, Follow below steps to configure filter behaviour in OBIEE application. Column and Fact2. obiee_kid Aug 26 2011 — edited Sep 5 2011. When I see the physical code, it says: cast null as double precision. I just did this for now because it was a quick way to start working with the data in OBIEE. Must be followed by an expression and one or more WHEN and THEN statements, an optional ELSE statement, and the END keyword. I'd like to show only the value not null. “Shipped Lbs” with the name of your field name. WHEN -5 THEN 'Birdie on Par 6' The problem is, if that date is manually deleted in the prompt, that results in a query passing a NULL value for the date (View Display Error) A datetime value was expected (received ""). 7) from an obiee perspective, the topn function allows obiee to perform a topn analysis. In part one of this blog series, I went over using bins and presentation variables to dynamically create groups and switch between them in a report and on a dashboard. COL1 is not null then CASE expression evaluates each row against a condition or WHEN clause and returns the result of the first match. We can achieve this by following the below steps When reporting against an OLTP system, in many ways, OBIEE works like an ETL tool, transforming the source system data and presenting it as a star schema. I am using these columns to define calculated logical columns. but I don't know how to write NOT IS NULL. Can you help me in writing this. Replace “Freight costing data”. What I cannot understand yet is why this happens in the client environment and not in my own environment. That way the null values are not excluded in the actual column when the two queries are linked. I think in QlikView we only ISNULL(), but there is no NOT IS NULL(). mls0_PrimaryString) IS null THEN 'This is empty' You also don't need to cast the length check to int. Also, I cannot create a prompt with SQL results since i have to apply 'limit values by' clause for the prompt. 1. I've been trying to apply a conditional filter but without success. PRIMARY_SHIP_TO_NAME is to be created in RPD(user needs this column for ad hoc reporting), there is nothing to display in ELSE part so by default it is displaying as NULL. スキーマの定義は以下とします。 Schema (MySQL v5. This won't work: T1. and d. If expr1 matches any WHEN expression, it assigns the value in the corresponding THEN expression. I would not default to ELSE 'active' in case a new inactive or terminated status is introduced @SaschaM78: the default sorting of NULLs is DBMS dependent. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Some don't bother about ASC/DESC with nulls some do. When I try to use a case statement it works for the NULL Value (all items are displayed) But Fails when Hello Robin! I am planning to build this out within the physical layer when I know what all fields I need in the subject area. "Question Code" WHEN 'R3 questionnaire 3' THEN "Candidate Q&A". As it is the unwanted value we have to suppress this value. I have this case statement but need to add some info that is giving me a hard time. As for your query, my guess is that your pv_task values are actually being passed to your query as a some sort of string. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company CASE WHEN Nom_amt IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE Nom_amt END 3) we have uncheked IS NULL check box in the admin tool also IFNULL(columname,0) IN OBIEE 11g above mothods won't work because it's a bug in obiee11. 5. TRIM function in the above SQL will convert white spaces to NULL which is then decoded to 'NULL VALUE' using the CASE statement. 5 IFNULL. Is The logic is as follows: When an Agreement Sent Date. BI Server. [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed: [nQSError: 59021] CASE conditional expressions have mismatching data types. 1 In case I wanted the Prompt solution to be reusable in many dashboards, I don't need many tables of column lists. When the variable is NUll - I need to display all the items. LineFlag IS NULL OR SubjectArea3. ORA-00666 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice. In your case you don't need to nest multiple CASE expressions. E. Thanks for your time and help. OBIEE 12c Environment Variables, Config Files and Log File Locations Info Below are the Environment Variables needed for OBIEE How to override null value with values from another column in OBIEE Analysis. You need to use is null instead of = null or = ''. start_date END I works fine. I am trying to put the formula in the ““Edit Column Formula”” like NVL(““Expense Facts””. 0. 00 in a dashboard when the value is null.
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