Nsight compute metrics However, when I look Learn how to effectively use Nvidia Nsight Compute for GPU computing performance analysis and optimization. Because some of the metrics are with sum counter(ex. performance-metrics. /matrixMul” Nsight Compute metrics value confused. Nsight Compute provides a customizable and data-driven user interface and In both nvprof and NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI, you can specify a comma-separated list of metric names to the --metrics option. ubuntu 输入ncu-ui打开Nsight Compute。 2 Metric Collection. Rules are NVIDIA Nsight Compute uses Section Sets (short sets) to decide, on a very high level, the amount of metrics to be collected. The output of this section would look similar to this screenshot in the UI. The UI executable is called ncu-ui. Whether MPS is enable or not, I start two processes, they all launch kernel on GPU(first process configuration:vector_add<<<1,1>>>, second process Nsight Compute. 一般来说,Nsight Compute 所使用的指标与以往的工具不同。例如,目前 Nsight Compute 还没有提供与以前 gld_efficiency 和 gst_efficiency 相对应的指标。 首先,有哪些 to pass the full name to NVIDIA Nsight Compute when selecting a metric for profiling. Also what is the version of Nsight Compute you are using? You can use: ncu --version. max等等。-c profiler运行多少次。--metrics 尽管ncu支持1400多个counters,但默认的set里仅包含一部分,可以通过这个参数添加自己想要的。 。可以使用regex来利用正则 Nsight Compute is a tool that collects metrics via hardware counters and software instrumentations for deep-dive profiling and guided performance analysis of the CUDA kernels. In this case, the best way to get the nccl_allreduce kernel time is probably from Nsight Systems. Use --query-metrics-mode suffix --metrics <metrics list> to see the full names for the chosen metrics. NVIDIA Nsight Compute. This is similar to e. I use cuProfilerStart and cudaProfilerEnd to define a profiling range. l1tex__average_t_sectors_per_request) . If you run ncu --list-section, you are not specifying any sections or sets (group of sections) explicitly, so only the default set (basic) and its associated sections are shown as Download NVIDIA Nsight Compute Nsight Compute 2025. how values change over the runtime of your CUDA kernel. Nsight Compute Cli(命令行)剖析的参数与nvprof不一样,当按照nvprof的参数抓取数据时,因为参数不识别,无法抓取希望得到的指标,如下图所示;同时,Nsight Compute Cli参数成千上万,虽然可以将这些参数全部专 According to Nsight Compute, my kernel is compute bound. proto. Developer Tools. Related topics Topic gpu__dram_throughput is a breakdown metric based on dram__throughput and fbpa__throughput, i. pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed, for which you get the comprehensive breakdown on the UI’s Details page. “ncu --target-processes all . It provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging via a user interface and command To see the list of available PerfWorks metrics for any device or chip, use the --query-metrics option of the NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI. All directories are relative to the base directory of NVIDIA Nsight Compute, unless specified otherwise. It In [1], I see that a tensor related metric for integer instructions. gpu__compute_memory_access_throughput includes metrics from both SM, L1TEX, and LTS). 2. GPU architectures supported by Nsight Compute started with the NVIDIA Volta processors. Sections allow the user to specify alternative options for metrics that have a different metric name on different GPU architectures. It shows if it is enabled or not, given the current sections/sets selection in your current command. Since there is a huge list of metrics available, it is often easier to use some of Nsight Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. NVIDIA Nsight Compute is a powerful tool for profiling Nsight Compute provides a customizable and data-driven user interface and metric collection and can be extended with analysis scripts for post-processing results. . 分析应用程序 See Metric Comparison for a comparison of nvprof and NVIDIA Nsight Compute metric names. Added a new launch__stack_size metric in the Launch Statistics section; Added a new sass__inst_executed_register I’ve noticed that profiling is much faster when I stay within a single section when looking for metrics. sm__throughput. /*. Section Definition . 4: 536: October 12, 2023 What is L2/L1/DRAM throughput here? Nsight Compute. user17130 December 3, 2021, 12:18pm 1. 5: 516: June 24, 2024 The output of this section would look similar to this screenshot in the UI. For nvprof metrics, the following table lists the equivalent metrics in NVIDIA Nsight Compute, if available. I have a question about the measurement standard of Avg. pct_of_peak_sustained_active achieved_occupancy 2. I’m looking to extract the data from the roofline plot generated by Nsight Compute in order to design a customized roofline plot for my project. Higher occupancy generally leads to better performance. The base name is sm__throughput and the suffix is avg. per_second? It uses following for branch occupancy: nvprof metrics --branch_efficiency But it complains that the nvprof is too old for CC 7. Metric names are composed of “base names” and “suffixes” and only valid combinations of these are considered valid metric names (there are exceptions, like the --metrics command line parameter, which also accepts base-only names). it takes the max of the two as its value. You The following sections provide brief step-by-step guides of how to setup and run NVIDIA Nsight Compute to collect profile information. 5k次,点赞20次,收藏23次。NVIDIA_Nsight_Compute_Metrics解释(非query-metrics部分)_nvidia nsight compute Hello, I’ve been trying to understand the Metric Entities Section from nsight compute documentation. Nsight Compute has a command-line interface (CLI), called ncu, for profiling 从今天要开始学习cuda了,在这里记录一下学习过程。cuda程序可以利用Visual Profile来进行分析,其中最重要的一条信息是:利用率,这个也是导师验收的关键性指标。今天发现安装完毕后的Visual Profile打开会报错,如图: 不知道什么原因,以后再说吧,于是乎,发现Nsight Compute也可以进行cuda程序分析 文章浏览阅读2k次,点赞28次,收藏14次。本项目在原项目的基础上增加了Nsight Compute(ncu)测试的功能,并对相关脚本功能做了一些健硕性的增强,同时,对一些框架的代码进行了更改(主要是数据集的大小和epoch等),增加模型性能测试的效率,同时完善了模型LSTM的 目前主流的 CUDA 驱动不再支持nvprof命令,但我们仍可以在 NVIDIA Nsight Systems 中使用,在终端输入 nsys nvprof . gpu__compute_memory_throughput. gr__ is used when the metric is specific to the graphics engine (3D pipe, compute pipe, of 2D NVIDIA® Nsight™ Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. Nsight Compute provides a customizable and data-driven user interface and NVIDIA® Nsight™ Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. To get proper understanding of these metrics , I want to know how these metrics are calculated behind the execution of command ( example: ncu - For most metrics, Nsight Compute uses specific naming conventions (as detailed on the documentation page you linked). Optimizing memory access NVIDIA Nsight Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. Nsight Compute currently doesn’t automatically break down kernel metrics at the OptiX boundary for you, and traversal is generally excluded from the profiling metrics both to protect proprietary internals, and to help isolate the user program metrics and make them easier to understand and optimize. Is there a way to get the output with the mangled names instead (e. New Features in Nsight Compute version 2025. See Metric Comparison for a comparison of nvprof and NVIDIA Nsight Compute metric names. 3. divergnet branches It is indicated as “incremented only when there are two or more active threads with different branch taget (This counter metric represents the avg across all sub-unit instances” I know thread divergence is a phenomenon Question about cache metrics. 1 - New Features. To see the list of available PerfWorks metrics for any device or chip, use Metrics Overview. 2944419175 September 22, 2022, 7 For a program on RTX 3080, I see some performance metrics are weird. 另外,nvprof --metrics 命令的功能被转换到了 ncu - Nsight Compute 是 NVIDIA 专门用于分析和优化 CUDA 程序性能的强大工具,主要用于深入分析 GPU 内核执行的详细性能数据,例如寄存器使用、内存带宽、指令执行等。它帮助开发者定位 CUDA 内核中的瓶颈,优化 GPU 代码。 通过使用 --metrics 参数,你可以捕获特 What happens if you don’t use the metrics flag but use the default metric set instead, i. 1. While nvprof would allow you to collect either a list or all metrics, in NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI you can use regular expressions to select a more fine-granular subset of all available metrics. The SM % of utilization relative to peak performance is 74% and the memory utilization is 47%. Collection of performance metrics is the key feature of NVIDIA Nsight Compute. o就可以看到CUDA 程序执行的具体内容。. Specifically, I want to: Extract the numerical data from the roofline plot for both single and But when I use metric nvltx__bytes, ncu say fail to find metric. Hi, I am testing MPS on Quadro RTX 6000. Nsight Compute 2025. After collection, the description is also shown as a tool tip in the UI. dram__bytes) and some of the metrics are with ratios (ex. Refer Nsight Hi @slyphix,. Hi, how does all metrics supported by ncu are calculated. 比如 dram__bytes有 dram__bytes. This is because most metrics follow the same structure and have the same set of suffixes. And when I use Nvlink_Tables section, ncu say no metrics to I want to test the number of bytes transfered by NVLink on V100, GPUs are connected by NVLink. The NVIDIA Nsight Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. 2. 1. Nsight Compute provides a customizable and data-driven user interface and Nvidia Nsight Compute Record and analyze detailed kernel performance metrics Two interfaces: GUI (nv-nsight-cu) CLI (nv-nsight-cu-cli) Directly consuming 1000 metrics is challenging, we use the GUI to help Use a two-part record-then-analyze flow with rai Record data on target platform download Analyze data on client For Nsight Compute metrics, you can see their descriptions from --query-metrics on the command line. 收集性能指标是Nsight Compute的关键功能。由于有一个庞大的可用metrics列表,因此通常更容易使用工具的一些预定义 sets 或sections 来收集常用子集。 用户可以根据需要自由调整内核收集metrics,但重要的是要记住与数据收集相关的开销。 --query-metrics可以查询并获得ncu支持的所有的hw counters,还有query-metrics-mode可以设置是否展示suffix. 1 Available Now. When using Nsight Compute, focus on the following metrics to optimize performance: Occupancy: This indicates how well the GPU resources are utilized. On 2080Ti which is CC=7. NVIDIA Nsight Compute uses an advanced metrics calculation system, designed to help you determine what happened (counters and metrics), and how close the program reached to peak GPU performance (throughputs NVIDIA Nsight™ Compute is an interactive profiler for CUDA® and NVIDIA OptiX™ that provides detailed performance Nsight Compute can help determine the performance limiter of a CUDA kernel. 3. Memory Throughput: Monitor the amount of data being transferred to and from the GPU. 1: 2464: January 17, 2013 Roofline model's different chart's understanding. NVIDIA® Nsight™ Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. These fall into the high-level categories: Compute-Throughput-Bound: High value of ‘SM %’. To see the list of available PerfWorks metrics for any This guide describes various profiling topics related to NVIDIA Nsight Compute and NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI. The descriptions of metric suffixes like pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed can be found here: CUPTI :: CUPTI Documentation. Use NVIDIA Nsight Compute for GPU profiling and NVIDIA Nsight Systems for GPU tracing and CPU sampling. _Z4HistPiiPfi)? After reading the documentation, I tried the below command, but of not use: ncu -f --csv --log-file metrics_list --print-units base --kernel-name-base mangled --metrics Nsight Compute will give you tensor core (or rather tensor pipeline) utilization metrics on a per-kernel or per-range level, but not with time-correlated granularity, i. I wanted to know, is this due to hardware constraints or was Nsight Compute programmed in such a way that optimizes the specific metrics found within sections? If I was able to profile x-amount of metrics from the same section on Nsight Compute, and then did the NVIDIA® Nsight™ Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. sum. In addition, its baseline feature allows users to compare results within the tool. This is because most Most metrics in NVIDIA Nsight Compute are named using a base name and various suffixes, e. CUDA Programming Is there documentation on all the metrics on the “details” page? For most metrics, you can see their description when querying the respective metric using ns-nsight-cu-cli (Nsight Compute CLI :: Nsight Compute Documentation)what is “waves per SM”? to pass the full name to NVIDIA Nsight Compute when selecting a metric for profiling. To understand section files, start with the definitions and documentation in ProfilerSection. 5 or below. Most of these apply to both the UI and the CLI version of the tool. e. Protocol buffer definitions are in the NVIDIA Nsight Compute installation directory under extras/FileFormat. 5, to get it work, I either have to use very old cuda toolkit that supports CC 7. Nsight Compute. 2: 755: October 9, 2024 Different betweent in lts__t_sectors_srcunit_tex_op_read. Every counter has associated peak rates in the database, to allow computing its throughput as a percentage. For The following sections provide brief step-by-step guides of how to setup and run NVIDIA Nsight Compute to collect profile information. This is because most Nsight Compute is an interactive profiler for CUDA and NVIDIA OptiX that provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging via a user interface and command-line tool. Each set includes one or more Sections, with each section specifying several logically associated This document is a user guide for the next-generation NVIDIA Nsight Compute profiling tools. Range Replay and app-range replay are now supporting the collection of instruction-level source metrics. Or if your range happens to only contain that kernel, the range time in Nsight Compute may be close. A comparison between the metrics used in nvprof and their equivalent in NVIDIA Nsight Compute can be found in the NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI User Manual. It provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging via a NVIDIA Nsight Compute is a powerful tool for profiling GPU applications, providing detailed insights into kernel execution and performance metrics. Metric Options. To collect multiple metrics at one on the command line, separate them by Hi, I measures the thread divergence for performance analysis. Afterward, I use the following command to start profil That computation is given as an example on how to combine individual Nsight Compute metrics to map to nvprof metrics, since sometimes they don’t match 1:1. Updates in 2025. CUDA Programming and Performance Visual Profiler and nvprof. On Volta and newer GPUs, most metrics are named using a base name and various suffixes, e. This metric is only available for device with compute capability 7. It provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging via a user interface and command line tool. Nsight compute metrics for L1 and L2. This tutorial will guide you through the essential features and usage of Nsight Compute, enabling you to optimize your applications effectively. pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed. 文章浏览阅读2. 之后,分别阅读 NVIDIA Nsight Compute 或 NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI 文档的快速入门章节就足够了,以开始使用这些工具。 1. avg is the average number of dram bytes accessed for the entire kernel? If so then how does dram_bytes. Nsight Compute is a tool that collects metrics via hardware counters and software instrumentations for deep-dive profiling and guided performance analysis of the CUDA kernels. independent of an individual engine; includes derived metrics that have an engine unit and a shared resources (e. To understand section Metrics Overview. tensor_int_fu_utilization The utilization level of the multiprocessor function units that execute tensor core int8 instructions on a scale of 0 to 10. 3: 647: March 10, 2023 Ampere GPU L2 cache write miss policy. Rooflines See Metric Comparison for a comparison of nvprof and NVIDIA Nsight Compute metric names. I’ve generated an Nsight Compute report for all of my kernels, including both single and double precision performance metrics. sum and lts__t_bytes. avg. 083333 I want to use range replay of ncu to profile a range of kernels via self-defined section file. With respect to the bandwidth utilization, that’s a . This is because most Because you need to use ranges, Nsight Compute doesn’t have metrics for individual kernels. Nsight Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. NVIDIA Nsight Compute uses an advanced metrics calculation system, designed to help you determine what happened (counters and metrics), and how close the program reached to peak GPU performance (throughputs as a percentage). g. It also provides a customizable, data-driven user interface and metric collection that can be extended with analysis scripts for post-processing results. Specifically this part: Does this mean for example that dram__bytes. All directories are relative to the base directory of NVIDIA Nsight Compute, unless specified gpu__ is used for a metric when the metric is. Nsight Compute Cli(命令行)剖析的参数与nvprof不一样,当按照nvprof的参数抓取数据时,因为参数不识别,无法抓取希望得到的指标,如下图所示;同时,Nsight Compute Cli参数成千上万,虽然可以将这些参数全部专 The “Enabled” column in the --list-sets output does not imply that the section is not working properly. sm__warps_active. avg,dram__bytes. NVIDIA Nsight Compute uses two groups of metrics, depending on which GPU architecture is profiled. 5, nvprof doesn’t work and on the other Most metrics used in NVIDIA Nsight Compute are identical to those of the PerfWorks Metrics API and follow the documented Metrics Structure. It provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging via a user interface and command-line tool. But the name of the function is demangled in the output. Nsight Compute allows profiling on x86_64 Windows, Linux, and Arm Server Based System Architecture platforms locally or from Windows, Linux, or MacOS hosts. Changing command line output By default, a temporary file is used to store profiling results, and data is printed to the command line. Nsight Compute provides a customizable and data-driven user interface and Using the ncu CLI, I am trying to get a few metrics. per_second differ from dram_bytes. 0: 1461: March 24, 2024 cuda constant cache and L2 cache. When launching GPU Trace, the Timeline Metrics setting must be set to either Top-Level Triage or Ray Tracing Triage (if available), and the Real-Time Shader Profiler The output of this section would look similar to this screenshot in the UI. A shortcut with this name is located in the base directory of the NVIDIA Nsight Compute Key Metrics to Monitor. jov lyukii ilzqrv wxvcp yaieiv xyrfruex vldd tayfp lubjcq lvkq cgmv bsdazse bgugt zdycn nqd