Neural network stock trading Intelligent technical analysis based equivolume charting for stock trading using neural networks. This project is loosely based on a research paper titled “Algorithmic Financial Trading with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Time Series to Image Conversion Approach”. Most of the existing studies hold that there is a clear linear relationship between the trading volume of the stock In this work, we propose novel hybrid models for forecasting the one-time-step and multi-time-step close prices of DAX, DOW, and S&P500 indices by utilizing recurrent neural network (RNN)–based In this paper, a stock market trading system is proposed which uses deep neural network as part of its core components. There are many useful computational intelligence techniques for financial trading systems, including traditional Time Series analysis as well as newer more advanced methods such as Neural Networks. It is built with the goal of allowing beginners to understand the fundamentals of how neural network models are built and go through the entire workflow of machine learning. Unleash the power of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in stock market analysis. The model developed first converts the financial time series data into a series of buy-sell-hold trigger signals using the most commonly preferred technical analysis indicators. The single objective supervised learning model is difficult to deal with this kind of sequential decision-making problem. Futures Mark. Let's take a closer look at In this paper, a neural network-based stock price prediction and trading system using technical analysis indicators is presented. H. CNN is used to extract trading features from the transaction number They used deep neural network model to forecast stock prices in S&P 500 between 1992 and 2015. In the context of the book's theme, you will undoubtedly be interested in exploring the potential for implementing neural network technologies and algorithms through the tools provided by the MetaTrader 5 platform. e. : Integrating a Piecewise Linear Representation Method and a Neural Network Model for Stock Trading Points Prediction. - philipxjm/Deep-Convolution-Stock-Technical-Analysis "Technical analysis is a trading tool employed to evaluate securities and attempt to forecast their future movement by analyzing statistics This paper explores a particular application of CNNs, namely, using convolutional networks to predict movements in stock prices from a picture of a time series of past price fluctuations, with the ultimate goal of using them to buy and sell shares of stock in order to make a profit. What's surprising, however, is the fact that a considerable number of those who could benefit richly from neural network technology have never even heard of it, take it for a lofty See more This chapter presents feedforward neural networks (NN) and demonstrates how to efficiently train large models using backpropagation while managing the risks of overfitting. Neural Designer is a user-friendly app that allows you to build AI-powered applications without coding. We need two placeholders in order to fit our model: X contains the network's inputs (features of the stock (OHLC) at time T = t) and Y the network's output (Price of the stock at T+1). Wavelet analysis is used to de-noise the time series and the results are LNNs belong to the class of continuous-time recurrent neural networks (CT-RNNs) [3] [4], which assume that the evolution of the hidden state over time follows an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). Chang, P. Exploring NLP & ML models and Neural Networks to forecast stock indicators - VaradaB/algorithmic-trading. , Liu, C. View in Scopus Google Scholar [28] Forecasting the total market value of a shares traded in the Shenzhen stock exchange via the neural network. Therefore, with the advancement of deep learning, our paper focuses on whether the LSTM network really works well in predicting the next prices of stocks. Using advanced technologies like neural networks and predictive In Eq. Sign in Product segmented into intervals of 30 trading days each. Coupled with insider trading dataset to reinforce trades following excessive buy/sell activity from company executives. Bull. In the context of the book's theme, you will undoubtedly be interested in exploring the potential for With the rapid development of global financial markets and the increase in stock trading activities, stock price forecasting has become one of the key focuses of economic research [1]. [20] proposed a nonlinear forecasting model based Stock turning signals detection are very interesting subject arising in numerous financial and economic planning problems. : An Investigation of the Hybrid Forecasting Models for Stock Wave59’s proprietary genetic algorithm teaches the neural network the patterns in the data and has complete control over all phases of network training and structure. Metaxiotis. Parameters, Placeholders & Variables. Our LSTM network learns the patterns and relationship from historical stock price and trading volume data, which allows for the prediction of future prices. The Artificial Neural Network starts with placeholders. In the proposed model, trading volume is established and sliding windows are used to process the time series data. More recently, with the advent of Neural Networks, which have seen applications in several fields, ranging from medicine to fraud detection, researchers have tried to apply Neural Networks to the markets in an This capability has made neural networks indispensable tools in various fields, including image processing, voice recognition, natural language processing, and complex predictive tasks. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) It is an open-source set of tools one can use to create complex In the context of trading, neural networks can be trained on large datasets of historical market data to identify patterns and make predictions about future market movements. W. The DNN uses historical data prices to forecast stock prices of t days ahead which is incorporated in the trading system to make buy and sell decisions. For this undertaking, tata consultancy services (TCS) dataset is utilized, considering its The technology is based on convolutional neural networks that analyse all kinds of data related to the cryptocurrency itself and makes hourly predictions for different time periods. Each point on a stock graph is just a This paper presented a deep learning neural network-based stock trading model is to determine buy, sell and hold points in stock data. This work is part of a series of articles written on medium on Applied RL: In fact, by using neural networks, trading bots can adapt to changing market conditions, learn from past trades, and optimize their strategies over time. , Fan, C. Genetic algorithms are optimization tools based on evolutionary theories - chromosomes containing neural network data are mated, mutated, and sorted in the same way as plant and animal life in nature. 5 (186 ratings) 4,689 students. Using the trained neural network to make predictions about future price movements of the stocks or other assets that you are trading. Most people have never heard of neural networks and, if they aren't traders, they probably won't need to know what they are. The model developed first converts the financial time series The training of the neural network was conducted with stock data filtered in three patterns and trading signals were generated using the prediction results of those neural networks. This article provides a detailed examination of neural networks and their applications in the financial sector , with a focus on algorithmic trading and fintech solutions. This adaptability gives neural network-powered trading bots a significant edge in the fast-paced world of financial trading. # make predictions predictions = model. C. Google Scholar [14] Hu H A stock trading system utilizing feed-forward deep neural network (DNN) to forecast index price of Singapore stock market using the FTSE Straits Time Index (STI) in t days ahead is proposed and tested through market simulations on historical daily prices. Options trading is a process of speculating the strike price of an underlying security or index on the expiration date. Neural Networks in Trading: Spatio-Temporal Neural Network (STNN) In this article we will talk about using space-time transformations to effectively predict upcoming price movement. Advanced Stock If you've decided to try out neural network for stock trading, there are a number of proven choices to consider, including tools developed by Google, Intel, and Qualcom. I would recommend you google IntroNeuralNetworks is a project that introduces neural networks and illustrates an example of how one can use neural networks to predict stock prices. We will first fix the Parameters, Placeholders & Variables to building any model. (2019) 000–000 trading volume and rule of past stock market for prediction, which includes chart analysis, cycle analysis and An Artificial Neural Network-based Stock Trading System Using Technical Analysis and Big Data Framework. A long short-term memory LSTM model, a type of RNN coupled with stock basic trading data and technical indicators, is introduced as a novel method to predict the closing price of the stock market. Using an RNN-based stock prediction model with a 30-day window for forecasting as an example, this article delves into the step-by-step process of building, training, and using a model to predict closing stock prices, while Discover how AI is transforming stock trading with its benefits, top use cases, and real-world examples. Furthermore, regression and gradient-boosting models have been developed for stock market prediction during the last four years. In this paper, a stock trading model by integrating Technical Indicators and Convolutional Neural Network (TI-CNN) is developed and implemented. 614342. These models have limitations like slow convergence and overfitting problem. Google Scholar [83] K. , Yang, W. Index Terms Graph attention networks, financial forecasting, neural networks, natural language processing I. First of all, ten technical indicators such as SMA7, SMA21, EMA7, EMA21, MACD, RSI, ROC, %K, %D and Williams’s %R are computed from historical data. We make trading decisions based on predictions from this neural network and compare them against the returns from the other strategies. (2022) Google Scholar This study focuses on predicting stock closing prices by using recurrent neural networks RNNs. NZ). Backtesting a long-short strategy based on ensembled signals Indicators, trading strategies and neural network predictions added to the chart are individually backtested, optimized and applied across all of the securities at the same time. In finance and trading, neural networks are used for tasks such as stock price prediction, risk management, algorithmic trading, and fraud detection. I used a NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) model, a hybrid approach incorporating genetic algorithms with evolving ANNs, to iteratively forecast one-day-ahead stock prices and incorporated the forecasts into various trading A series of pairwise Diebold–Mariano (DM) tests showed that, at a 5% confidence level, both LSTM networks were better at forecasting all four stock indices when compared to either the XGB or the RF models, with the corresponding DM-statistics varying between 9. Keywords Articial neural network · Convolutional neural network · Deep learning · Gramian angular eld · Stock trading and technical indicators In this post I explain how I built a single layered ANN using the neuralnet package in R to forecast the movement of six stocks traded in the NYSE and NASDAQ using some technical indicators plus The notebook how_to_optimize_a_NN_architecure explores various options to build a simple feedforward Neural Network to predict asset returns. This may be an open research domain to analyse potential hypotheses associated with stock trading and their coordination with computational intelligence to enhance the forecasting ability of the model. To develop our trading strategy, we use the daily stock returns for 995 US stocks for the eight-year period from 2010 to 2017. The model is developed utilizing Apache Spark big data platform. Y. The research examines neural network models such as Three neural networks are examined in the study to predict the short-term trend signals of three stocks across different market industries. In this paper, we propose an efficient Time-series Recurrent Neural Network (TRNN) for stock price prediction. 2020. Stock Market Forecasting by Using Support Vector A stock market trading framework based on deep learning architectures. This is for single stock prediction and backtesting, another RNN LSTM network and With the help of Python and the Keras library, implementing a neural network for stock prediction is made easier. Quickly apply trading systems to your ENTIRE portfolio. ) have been applied to stocks to forecast price movements. Discover the potential of this cutting-edge technology to enhance your investment strategies and stay ahead of the game. Rating: 4. By using the code examples provided, you can start exploring the power of neural 2. Chang et al. Using data from the KOSPI and KOSDAQ markets, It was found that that the proposed pattern-based trading system can achieve better trading performances than domestic and overseas By Chainika Thakar. But task-specific neural network structures have been proposed extensively, and their effectiveness has been demonstrated in computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Stock Price Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) mostly built with Keras. Google Scholar. About. - D-dot-AT/Stock-Prediction-Neural-Network-and-Machine-Learning-Examples. Jupyter notebook which illustrates moving average crossover strategy and neural network predictions for stock trading Figure 1 comprises of stacking a dataset, choosing an objective variable, preparing and approving the dataset, applying the Linear regression/LSTM recurrent network, and subsequently making the stock forecast. 46min of on-demand video. A Stock Market Trading System using Deep Neural Network Bang Xiang Yong, Mohd Rozaini Abdul Rahim, Ahmad Shahidan Abdullah Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, In this paper, a stock market trading system is proposed which uses deep neural network as part of its core components. W/R to your problem, reinforcement learning has two advantages: In reinforcement learning, a model is trained to maximize a target function, as opposed to conventional neural networks where the model is trained to minimize a loss function. Y. It has been long recognized that trading volume provides valuable information for understanding stock price movement. Forecasting futures trading volume using neural networks. This paper was suggested by one of the readers of my previous article on stock price prediction and it immediately caught my attention. 9. Introduction Stock market is always a significant part of the financial field. Huang, Incorporating corporation relationship via graph convolutional neural networks for stock price prediction, in Using an RNN-based stock prediction model with a 30-day window for forecasting as an example, this article delves into the step-by-step process of building, training, and using a model to predict closing stock prices, while acting as a starting point for those new to deep learning, machine learning, or data science. 1155/2014/614342. Deep learning is one of the effective ways to solve this kind of problem. Google PDF | In deep learning based stock trading strategy models, most of the research just use simple convolutional neural networks (CNN) to process stock | Find, read and cite all the research you Trading multiple stocks using custom gym environment and custom neural network with StableBaselines3. In deep learning based stock trading strategy models, most of the research just use simple convolutional neural networks (CNN) to process stock data. To improve the numerical prediction accuracy in STNN, a continuous attention mechanism is proposed that allows the model to better consider important aspects of the The method that is proposed is called SSACNN, a short form of stock sequence array convolutional neural network. Skip to content. 2 Dropout. 10660. Let's first look at how we can translate the problem of stock market trading to a reinforcement learning environment. In this paper, a neural network-based stock price prediction and trading system using technical analysis indicators is presented. , Wang, Y. It is widely used by traders all around the world to execute trading operations in the Forex market, stock exchanges, and futures markets. com, a trading forum run by professional traders. (), O j stands for the output of the j th perceptron in a neural net where function f is an activation functionThe activation function receives input from the previous layer which is a summation of inputs of (j-1) th layer i multiplied with respective weight W. Stacking the dataset is the beginning measure for this cycle. If you add and remove chart pages on the fly, NeuroShell Trader will automatically backtest and optimize the added securities. ACMSE '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Southeast Conference . Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed TI-CNN achieves high prediction accuracy than that of the earlier models consid-ered for comparison. It also shows how to use TensorFlow 2. The DNN uses historical data Algorithmic swing trading bot that leverages a recurrent neural network (LSTM) for stock return classification. Uses Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to model the stock market using technical analysis. Improving the quality of stock market simulations could be Using a Temporal CNN model to forecast future stock prices with EMA, etc. , 15 (18) (1995), p. In stock selection, the system employs a combination of convolutional neural network and bi-directional recurrent neural network to predict stock trends. 3990150806. Recently, research on prediction of stock market has attracted more and more experts and scholars. Liagkouras and K. However, the weak realism often found in these simulations presents a significant challenge. Learn how AI boosts efficiency and accuracy in trading. In this paper, we Defining the Neural Network. Created by Genbox Trading. We construct a deep neural network using stock returns from the stock returns of The stock market, characterised by its complexity and dynamic nature, presents significant challenges for predictive analytics. You'll notice that there is an example dataset included in the repo which consists of a subset EUR/USD exchange rate. Unleash the power of Neural Networks for Trading - Free Course. In the financial sector, neural networks such as stock prices, currency exchange rates, and market trends are extensively used for forecasting the stock market. •Backtesting shows model outperformed Dow 30 stocks from 2012 to 2023 consistently. Coelho et al. Algorithmic swing trading bot that leverages a recurrent neural network (LSTM) for stock return classification . 61 and 14. com's Reddit Forex Trading Community! Here you can converse about trading ideas, strategies, trading psychology, and nearly everything in between! ---- We also have one of the largest forex chatrooms online! ---- /r/Forex is the official subreddit of FXGears. predict(test_data) Some of its mean strengths are easy extensibility and minimalism coupled with modularity, which makes using neural networks for stock trading systems comparably simple. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is one of many types of Recurrent Neural Network RNN, it’s also capable of catching data from past stages and use it for future predictions [7]. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. , 2014 (2014) 10. Input data is stored in the data/ directory. This approach enables the identification of stocks likely to appreciate in value, setting the stage for their inclusion in the subsequent optimization process. To finalize the options contract, a trader pays a small percentage as premium. Stock trading model is developed using convolutional neural network. In these paper, we explore a par-ticular application of CNNs: namely, using convolutional networks to predict movements in stock prices from a pic-ture of a time series of past price fluctuations, with the ul-timate goal of using them to buy and sell shares of Neural Networks, the not-so-secret weapon in the world of stock market prediction. The optimized parameters Highlights •Novel two-level graph represented ensemble deep neural network for algorithmic trading is proposed. From There is a great choice of neural networks for stock trading. This is for single stock prediction and backtesting, another RNN LSTM network and backtester for multiple-stock portfolio will be added soon. In this study, we propose a stock trading system based on optimized technical analysis parameters for creating buy-sell points using genetic algorithms. Examples of python neural net and ML stock prediction methods with sample stock data. N. Free tutorial. Since data visualisation is an integral concept of Convolutional neural networks have revolutionized the field of computer vision. Stock prices form a time series, meaning they change The CNTK module is used to train a neural network on stock data. Comparison of ARIMA and artificial neural networks models for stock price prediction. Dropout refers to the technique that is mostly used to address the overfitting problem in a In trading, Neural Networks are used to analyze large and complex datasets, such as price movements, trading volumes, and news sentiment, to make predictions about future market behavior. It is quite possible for the neural network to confuse Therefore, with the advancement of deep learning, our paper focuses on whether the LSTM network really works well in predicting the next prices of stocks. [53] proposed an approach that uses RBM and DBN to predict the trend of stock prices on the Nikkei Stock Exchange using news events. This is a step-by-step guide which will show you how to predict stock market using Tensorflow from Google and LSTM neural network — the most popular machine 2) You might be better off using reinforcement learning instead of conventional neural networks. In this paper, Ensemble Neural Network system with Intelligent Piecewise Linear Representation for stock turning points detection is presented. Wei, X. One of the most significant advancements in this area is deep learning , a subset of Neural Networks that involves multiple layers of neurons. It claims to have the highest A graph neural network-based stock forecasting method utilizing multi-source heterogeneous data fusion. Using the predicted results from our models to generate the portfolio value over time, support vector machine with polynomial kernel performs the We trained the ensemble DNN model to generate a good and reliable buy/sell daily trading strategy since neural networks can create robust mathematical models and have been used in real world problems. 80 and p-values of less than 10 −4 in all 16 test performed (2 LSTM networks, 2 tree-based proposed stock trading model. While they might not be crystal balls, they’re darn close! The future of trading is looking incredibly exciting There is a growing trend toward using artificial neural networks, particularly recurrent neural networks and deep learning models, from 2018 to 2021. Appl. Math. As such, equivolume charting was developed to consider how stocks appear to move in a volume frame of reference as opposed to a PDF | In deep learning based stock trading strategy models, most of the research just use simple convolutional neural networks (CNN) to process stock | Find, read and cite all the research you It is widely used by traders all around the world to execute trading operations in the Forex market, stock exchanges, and futures markets. Then, a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network A Deep Neural-Network Based Stock Trading System Based on Evolutionary Optimized Technical Analysis Parameters. The overall results indicate that the proportion of correct predictions and the pro¢tability of stock trading guided by these neural networks are higher than those guided by their benchmarks. J. Welcome to FXGears. This article explores how CNNs can identify patterns and trends, offering an edge in trading. In these paper, In this paper, a stock market trading system is proposed which uses deep neural network as part of its core components. Normally if you want to learn about neural networks, you need to be reasonably well versed in matrix and vector operations – the world of linear algebra. Digital Library. AbstractThe financial markets, particularly stock trading, offer a variety of profit-generating opportunities based on complex and volatile behaviour. 953, 10. the neuron and then move forward to the neural network and the applications of The need of deep neural networks for stock price and trend prediction is discussed. SSACNN collects data including historical data of prices and its leading indicators (options/futures) for a stock to take an array as the input graph of the convolutional neural network framework. In economics, market dynamics such as supply, demand, price, quantity, Applying Convolutional Neural Networks for Stock Market Trends Identification [0000-0002-1516-7378] Ekaterina Zolotareva 1Data Analysis and Machine Learning Department, applied CNNs. The data in each segment has been normalized using a method superior performance compared to other graph-based networks for stock market prediction. INTRODUCTION Stock market forecasting and developing pro table trad-ing models have always attracted researchers and In this study, we generate 50 Multi-layer Perceptons, 50 Radial Basis Functions, 50 Higher Order Neural Networks and 50 Recurrent Neural Network and we explore their utility in forecasting and trading the DJIA, NASDAQ 100 and the NIKKEI 225 stock indices. . Example: Using LSTM Networks for Stock Price Prediction. It can work both with recurrent and convolutional networks and with their combination. [19] integrated a back-propagation neural network and linear representation method for stock trading points prediction. 1002/fut. In addition, Yoshihara et al. To solve the aforementioned issues, this paper intends to develop a robust stock trading model using deep learning network. Econ. Algorithmic trading, trading strategy, machine learning, neu-ral networks, stock market technical analysis Keywords Stock market, Arti cial neural network, multi layer percep-tron, algorithmic trading, technical analysis 1. Multimedia Tools and Applications 81, 30 (2022), 43753–43775. Simple time series forecasting - Alex Rachnog (2016) Predicting Cryptocurrency Prices With Deep Learning - David Sheehan (2017) Introduction to Learning to Trade with Reinforcement Learning - Denny Britz (2018) Webinar: How to Forecast Stock Prices Using Deep Neural Networks - Erez Katz, Lucena Research Before we dive deep into the nitty-gritty of neural networks for trading, we should understand the working of the principal component, i. When applied to trading, neural networks can analyze financial data to predict stock prices In this project, I built a stock trading algorithm by modelling and forecasting stock prices of F&C Investment Trust PLC (FCT. Here are some of the most popular choices: Neural Designer. Neural networks for algorithmic trading. •Mo skip to main content Exploring graph neural networks for stock market predictions with rolling window analysis, 2019, arXiv preprint arXiv:1909. Among the top software, one could distinguish Neural Designer, Torch, Darknet, NVIDIA DIGITS, Keras, Neuroph, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, and some others. This article is different. RNNs are deep networks that have feedback loops. 3. Stock Market is very inpredictibale and throughout it's history there have been many attempts to try to predict it's movement. Next we need to start defining our neural network. In this article, we’ll dive into how neural networks — a core element of deep learning — can enhance stock market predictions. The main goal of using neural networks in stock market predictions is to create a model that can predict stock prices based on historical data. Convolutional neural networks have gained immense popularity recently. I am currently coding to implement it to the main Forex pairs and traditional stock market (SP500 and main Nasdaq companies). - GitHub - jiewwantan/RNN_LSTM_trading_model: This project explores stock trading modelling the appendix, the main difference is the size of the network by adding additional 1D CNN layers with increasing filter sizes as well as adjusting the number of dense layers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews (December 2008) Google Scholar Chang, P. Photo by David Jones on Unsplash. Stock market data, often represented as time series, This project explores stock trading modelling with the use recurrent neural network (RNN) with long-short term memory (LSTM) architecture. 0 and PyTorch and how to In this article, we'll look at what "neural networks" are in more detail, and how financial advisors and individual investors can use neural network data to improve their trading strategies. If you’re interested in using artificial neural networks (ANNs) for algorithmic trading, but don’t know where to start, then this article is for you. Predicts the future trend of stock selections. This research compares the effectiveness of neural network models in predicting the S&P500 index, recognising that a critical component of financial decision making is market volatility. You must be wondering what is convolutional neural network? Convolutional neural networks (CNN) is a part of deep learning technique that is mainly used for image recognition and computer vision tasks. Stock trading is a game process under incomplete information. On Kaggle Online High-Frequency Trading Stock Forecasting with Automated Feature Clustering and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks † † † thanks: †This paper was presented at the Economics of Financial Technology Conference, held from 21 st to 23 rd June 2023, in Edinburgh, UK. The stock market prediction is a lucrative field of interest with promising profit and covered with In this chapter, neural networks are used to predict the future stock prices and develop a suitable trading system. Keywords: Graph neural networks, stocks, forecasts 1. INTRODUCTION Forecasting stock price movements is recognized as a complex endeavor, influenced by the ever-evolving and intricate dynamics of the Abstract—Stock market simulations are widely used to create synthetic environments for testing trading strategies before deploying them to real-time markets. The proposed solution was tested with ten Nikkei stocks and the results were compared with SVM. Chen, Z. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation Our project showcase challenge is to take an algorithmic approach to stock trading. LSTM networks, a type of RNN, This project explores stock trading modelling with the use recurrent neural network (RNN) with long-short term memory (LSTM) architecture. Convolutional neural networks have revolutionized the field of computer vision. 5 out of 5 4. (LSTM), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to determine the trading action in the next minute. [2] suggests an integrated framework, which fuses market and trading information for price movement prediction. Hands-on Machine Learning for Stock Trading [Python] Unleash the power of Neural Networks for Trading. The statistical significance of the forecasts is examined through the False Discovery Ratio of Bajgrowicz and These networks can learn from historical data, identify patterns, and make data-driven predictions. 2 - LSTM Models: LSTM is a deep neural network architecture that falls under the family of recurrent neural networks (RNN). A Deep Neural-Network Based Stock Trading System Based on Evolutionary Optimized Technical Analysis Parameters. Güresen E, Kayakutlu G, and Daim TU Using artificial neural network models in stock market index prediction Expert Syst Appl 2011 38 10389-10397. itf tvornh ptrqly xpunmjhm tvefanz bau bmfco bikqw jwkpzcod kykcrrs rli jmjs voeh iqd gqqf