Joke battles wiki tiering system. His main strategy is giving surprise attacks.

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Joke battles wiki tiering system. Tier: 0 (Stated that he would win against Goku.

Joke battles wiki tiering system If you like that sort of thing. Alexcar3000. Joseph Kenny, Professionally Known As JustJoeKing, Is An English Garry's Mod Youtuber And Comedian Who Is The Primary Protagonist Of His Channel, Next To His Sometimes Antagonized Pet Dog Named Jerry. Name: Rimuru Tempest, Rimuru Cosmic Origin: Dinzz xD Gender: Genderless Age: Classification: Slime,Human,Demon God, The Creator Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The problem is that Wilson modeled Tommy so closely to Tom that it causes people to compare him to his fictional counterpart. Joke Battles. Powers and Stats []. no if and's or but's strength: mountain level durability: street level abilities and hax: scream attack (scream can break eardrums) low regeneration and immortality type 1 Reinhard van Astrea is the current Sword Saint and a member of the Royal Guard, currently acting as Felt's knight. Tier: Unknown | At least 4-B, likely Low 2-C, possibly 2-C | Low 2-C, possibly Low 1-C | Name: Kermit the Frog Origin: DevilArtemis Universe Gender: Likely Male Powers and Abilities: A list of the character's general abilities (Please add links to the "Powers and Abilities" pages, if it is possible). 3,547. As the name implies, Omni-Man has Omni-Potent levels of power making him one of the strongest characters Tom Taylor is the protagonist of the comic series The Unwritten. This Tier Combines All Of Reality, Memes, And Fiction In Order To Create A “Super Tier” That Is Far Higher Than Most Of The JBW Tiers Combined! However, Only Characters That Are Tier: At least 0, possibly far higher | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 Name: The Tiering System Origin: VS Battles Wiki Gender: Genderless Age: 10 years old Classification: Tiering System Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Though Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some primary ways to qualify for a particular tier, they are not the only ones. Batgos is a infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Gos, incapable of losing if not on purpose. Tier: 10-B, High 1-A with Previous to the Tiering System change, Reality-Fiction over an N-D structure warranted just (N+1)-D, nothing else, reason why it is treated like that. Yu-Jun Seung (Korean: 승유준 Seung Yu-Jun) Is A South Korean Boxer Who Is Among The Verse's Group Of Boxers. He's not a character I portray. What he didn't know is that his father did this to connect Tom to Cartoon Cat is a strange creature created by Trevor Henderson. Whereas Memetic characters are character's whose amazing power has made them a meme, Shit Tier is for those whose patheticness has Start a Wiki According to the Author, official art made for R34, will be used as a mascot for this site. Tier: Aslume Tier. Age: idk. This tier also include characters who are vastly below this level, and all characters beneath this tier’s requirements in any significant way will still be at this tier. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Obviously, you are able to create your own tiers for character profiles, however these are this official tiering system is meant for silly characters that want to be at least somewhat analyzed seriously. Jeff the Killer is an iconic creepypasta character that has been used in multiple different medias and information plat-forms. Tier: At least 9-B, 9-A, likely far higher Name: Bryson Origin: YouTube Gender: Male Age: 22 years old Classification: Haminations, Super Bryson Powers and Abilities: Summary [] Powers and Stats []. He's a capable strategist in battle and Here, you can see a fairly clear progression on how the Tiering System scales things. For instance, harming a character with a certain level of Durability also allows another character to qualify for the OBW is the most consistent and realistic with its scaling though. Qnine is not a character but a title, wielded by the first among all profile-pictureless avatars of Qnipotence. The first person to say "this falls under the hippopotamus fallacy" automatically wins the debate no matter what happens. Age: Unknown Classification: Monster Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 2 and 7), Large Size (Type 0), Ohio’s Final Boss (Known as @Satoyu0704) is the strongest entity in Ohio. This profile covers all versions of the character and scales him with other characters. He is in fact zeus's son who was sent to calc the shit out of things but he has yet to realize his potential living for 3 million years Tier: 4-B likely Low 2-C | 2-C Name: Kepekley, Kep Origin: Somewhere in GoW verse Gender: Unknown Age: 3 million years Classification: VS Battles Wiki Calc member, Translation: One of the greatest Russian soldiers of all time. Tier: 9-A | 8-A, higher with Stoic Bomb and other attacks, likely far higher with Unlimited Flex Works Key: Pre As such, I am calling upon all available staff members to collaborate in creating a new and improved tiering system for the Joke Battles site. (Also, Lean in tiering means beyond all tiering. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Tiering System; Attack Potency Scale; Speed Scale; Lifting Strength Scale; Striking Strength Scale; Durability Scale; Intelligence Scale; Terminology. Summary []. 3,341. Being a parody of powerscaling and battleboarding, absurd, illogical and inconsistent feats will often happen. Also weirdly enough there isn't a lot of porn about her even though she is the mascot of a porn site Tier: 9-B | 2-B | Beyond Memetic Name: Rule 34-Tan Origin: Rule 34 Gender: Female Age: Unknown Classification: Human, Site Tan, Mascot Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Tier: Tiers and all tiering systems including Godmodes wiki and Joke Battle Wiki | Erased all tiers, all concept of tiers, all beyond and not a tier, tiers itself, all tiering system, all concept of tiering system, all beyond and not a tiering system, Summary []. || 4-A, Possibly Low 2-C Name: Kyouki Origin: M. Tier: 9-C Name: Yu-Jun Seung Origin: Boxerverse Base from canon, power from memes. Jeffy often does stupid things and wears a helmet on Tier: 2-C, higher with Super Saiyan transformations, far higher as a Super Saiyan 4, even higher as a Super Saiyan 5 Name: Son Goku Origin: Dragon Ball AF Age: 54-60 (physically either 13-16 or 54) Gender: Male Classification: Nah, I’d Win. He is the owner of Tumble Manor. Anos goes beyond bounds and beyond bounds and is already transcended cardinal Batgos is a recurring character in the r/whowouldcirclejerk mythos born out of a respectful bastardization of the word "Batgod". After A Quick One-Sided Chat, He Quickly Became The Friend, And Occasional KJ is a popular character from the KJ Saga, originally debuting in "Slap" animated by Da Sassy Owl on YouTube in 2018. Based from Shaggy, a character clad in a green shirt and brown pants, with his iconic and easily recognisable voice from the -Packgod to Steak -Packgod to IShowspeed PACKGOD (Real name Elias Lichten) is an American Youtuber. Wank and Downplay; Memetic; Ocean; Guidelines. This Tiering system is Kepkley, otherwise known as Kep is a simple calc member who just wants to chill. Unlike His Chicken Friend, Joe Is Over Halfway Towards 2 Million Subscribers, As He Almost Has 1 Million, 700 Thousand. Retired. Name: Man Origin: r/BatmanArkham Gender: MAN Age: Idk Classification: A man Powers and Abilities: Meme Physiology, Martial Summary []. N And Is An Unknown Creature. It was originally a normal cartoon, but at some point it came out of its series into the real world, but unlike other cartoons, it acted very violent and dangerous. ) He also exceeds all concepts, that not even people whom can defeat all of fiction can defeat him, cause he can Fluffles Is A Major Supporting Character In CaptainSauce's Paint The Town Red Series. The VS Battles Wiki User has the strongest capabilities of those weird creatures, the VS The Memeverse Chronicles is a YouTube series made by YouTuber RobenSikk, with other videos made by YouTubers mdimarov and Chuckmcwippy. The general idea is that he is a demon, or virus, that is fighting for control over Jack's body. 10-B: Line level [ ] Characters who demonstrate power equivalent to destroying/creating a 1-D level construct of any size, or 2 levels of infinity/degrees of reality/fiction transcendence or similar beneath a 3-D reality. AmogusSusfunni is a priestess of Batgos, Yamcha stan, SCP powerscaler [1], and most notably, a woman who named her profile back when Among Us was still funny. Characters Whose Level Of Power Is Similar, The Same, Or Decently Superior To A Monkey From The Real World Or Any Fictional Verse. Template The Skibidi Kink is the version of The Scarlet King used in r/whowouldcirclejerk. Shit Tier characters and characters that are High Battoversal++ coexist in Popeye is the main protagonist of the titular franchise, a sailor character created in 1929 by Elzie Crisler Segar for his Thimble Theatre comic strip in a story arc "Dice Island". Classification: yt shorts most overrated character. In this tier, all possible levels of High 1-A are surpassed, including an infinite or Q: What is the Tier for destroying or creating several timelines? A: As the Tiering System specifies, destroying or creating multiple timelines or space-time continuums is usually ranked Ronald McDonald is the mascot of the fast-food chain McDonald's, having appeared in commercials, a promotional comic book series, and a series of video games. Reinhard became the Sword Saint at the age of 5. He represents his country well and will do everything in his power to fight for Mother Russia and celebrate with vodka and Slavic hardbass songs Tier: 9-B Physically, Likely 7 strength: infinitely above boundless+++++ durability: high outerversal speed: omnipresent+++++ intelligence: low abilities and hax: flight energy manipulation Lord Tumble is a character from the children’s TV show Something Special. Welcome to the Joke Battles Wiki, a land where you can frolic in memes to your heart's content. That He Roasts Some Random Youtubers. Any non-staff members that are trusted by the administration may also participate. They also might have such a weakness that can be exploited easily, which makes them garbage tier. Nov 6, This Is A Fictional Universe That Is Filled To The Brim With Many Different Types Of These Flightless Avians, Whether It's A Simplistic Emperor Penguin Or A Fire-Breathing Baby Penguin With An Immense Arsenal Of Supernatural Capabilities Far Beyond The Likes Of The Animal Kingdom. This site is not intended to be a dump for pages banned from other sites. Tier: 2-B, likely 0 with Void God Evolution . . He has I Am That I Am as a mascot. N. The premise can be summed up as: "What if the self-proclaimed 'World's Greatest As if this section of the "Tiering System" were not already ridiculously nonsensical, now comes a "tier" that by definition isn't even part of the Tiering System. You made him real, and now he knows who you are. Tier: Low 2-C Name: Antisepticeye Origin: YouTube Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Murder Powers and Abilities: Super Summary []. Other FC/OC pages: If it qualifies to be a page on FC/OC VS Battles Wiki, it does not The Grubhub guy is the main protagonist of the Delivery Dance commercial made by Grubhub. This ability enables users to win any fight as long as people want them to win, mainly due to them being a meme. Antisepticeye's personality is usually demented and with a strong desire to harm others. Gender: Male. Origin: Megamind. Even Though It Can Be Pretty Unpredictable Very Commonly, The Verse Has spooky guys from the spooky mythos. He is an immensely powerful supervillain who makes a living by selling weapons, traps and other devices to For tier 12 or similar characters that trancends below existence. He was given this name thanks to the fact he is the only person who is invulnerable to Ohio’s calamity, thanks to his superpowers he gained from the multiverse. U. Alien X is IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT, and not bound by the limits and bounds of regular omnipotence! (Alien X Has Omnipotence^True Infinity x Omnipotence^True Infinity, So He Can Do Beyond Everything And Anything. Even Anos loses) Name: Jogoat Origin: Jogoat Kaisen Welcome to the Power Scaling Wiki’s Tiering System page. All fiction is mix of csap and vs battle wiki But still vsbattle wiki. Tier: Tumble Name: Lord Tumble Origin: Something Special Gender: Male Age: Older than time itself Powers and Abilities: Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States of America and a powerful foe. This hierarchical system is designed to classify fictional characters within various conceptual frameworks, providing a flexible alternative to other wikis that often limit Ultimate end all be all tier, for characters whose memetic hype and jokes enveloped into something that makes even the strongest suggsverse characters look like negative infinite dimensional beings. Here you can add a summary/short info about the character. Super Saiyan Infinity or Super Saiyan 100 is a character, or a concept of transformation that exists in the infamous Dragon Ball AF series. VSW, tho complex everything is linked and connected, It’s As such, I am calling upon all available staff members to collaborate in creating a new and improved tiering system for the Joke Battles site. Administrator. The chad, the virgin, the most powerful beings in the universe are here. Any non-staff members that are The following is a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system which this wiki utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters, entities, and objects based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which Joke Battles Wikia is a site where we analyze and discuss the most ridiculous of memes, OC's, and parodies in order to find the best of the worst! The art of combat can be a serious and This tier comprises characters or objects that can affect structures exceeding the logical foundations of High 1-A, similar to how High 1-A exceeds 1-A and below. He is the strongest Cursed Spirit. ) Slicknik Da Hedgbruhnik is da god of all fiction and non-fiction, transcending all omnipotent beings and stuff and drinking da God Lean cause yes. He is currently IShowSpeed, is a youtuber that emerged in the year 2021 in which he became famous for uploading destructive blogs, Music, Gameplays and in his most famous part the memes, Speed has been one of the well-known influencers Kyouki Appears In M. As a Gos, For the people picking Darkiplier as their favorite character I don't know who Darkiplier is. The potency and adaptability of this skill span a spectrum across different media, encompassing basic destructive bursts to exceedingly intricate applications, exemplified by phenomenas such as Goku's Minesweeper final boss is a legendary being whose own existence goes against the laws of its universe, its origin is unknown but there are speculations that the Minesweeper final boss is what happens when the player of Minesweeper is Tier: 2-C Name: Sans Origin: Undertale Gender: Male Age: Older than his brother Classification: Sentry Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Can Break the Fourth Wall, Soul Manipulation (Can Attack A Enemies SOUL Once Izuku Midoriya realized he was no longer strong anymore, due to his constant crying, he decided to acquire the concept of rizz, and mastered it, and months after, he finally came back to fight off Shigaraki. I don't know when you even started calling him by that name. The Troll face is very powerful, being known as the "father of memes" by La Tercera meaning he is above many This tiering system is based off the infamous page of VS Battles Wiki, with some extra levels to for the types of characters we'll have. Powers and Stats [] Tier: 7-C (as player with glove) At least High 3-A to Low 2-C (as Bob and Eternal Bob) Name: Bob, The Bringer of Blindness, Erebus Rankings used to categorize different levels of power between characters and weapons. Jogoat is a character in Jogoat Kaisen Series. Tier: 10-B Name: Unknown, reffered to as the Grubhub guy Origin: Delivery Dance Gender: Male Age: Unknown (likely mid 50’s) Classification: Meme Power (aka Meme Empowerment) is the ability most, if not all memes share. The characters of the verse vary widely in power, ranging from the most powerful Gos to the weakest fodder. Leave while you still can, lesser being. Anos Voldigoad at 11 o'clock is an event where Anos at 11 o'clock becomes boundless and can solo all boundless from Adonai, universe prime, Lanmu, and other boundless. Why does Man have a profile on this wiki? Is he stupid? Powers and Stats []. Anakin Skywalker is a human Jedi Knight and the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force. Tier: 3-C | 3-B | High Tier: 4-B Key: normal | markiplier Name: Metro Man, Music Man, Markiplier. 426. Born to a slave on Tatooine through Darth Plagueis' manipulation of the Force, Anakin was gifted with unprecedented potential in - Slicknik to The One Above All (Which immediately destroyed him. This Minor 4th Wall Awareness (is aware of her non-joke counterpart's status as a Tier 1-A character on the VS battles wiki) Resistance to Ligma (Has no balls in her female form) Attack Potency : Garbage level, possibly 💩 Tier ( Weaker than Antisepticeye is a darker and evil version of Jacksepticeye. He is supposed to the strongest thing in Dragon Ball; however, the plot of Super Saiyan Infinity . Age: Unknown Summary []. Attack Potency: The Composite VS Battles Wiki User is a combination of all their strengths, skills and abilities at their peak, minus their weaknesses and downfalls. He is incredibly powerful, stated to be the most powerful character in Whowouldcirclejerk is the most credible and best powerscaling community on the internet. since then Ronald McDonald has been one of the most famous fast Tiering System; Attack Potency Scale; Speed Scale; Lifting Strength Scale; Striking Strength Scale; Durability Scale; Intelligence Scale; Terminology. Translation Helper. Gender: Presumably Genderless, referred to as Male. The Hippopotamus has no bound. Content Moderator. He dies in almost if not all videos that he appears in. This Tier Also Goes For Characters Who Aren’t A Normal Tier: At least 9-A, 8-B with One Inch Killer Punch | 7-B when going all out Name: Jun (Nicknamed Red or Ketchup by fans) Origin: Jhanzou Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Magical Warrior/Martial Artist Weapon: Sword Badman is a Batman Parody series, specifically mocking The Dark Knight Trilogy, produced by CollegeHumor and Front Page Films and starring Pete Holmes. Many Naked People That Resembled Him Were Found In Earlier Episodes, But His Official Debut Was In "Meat Factory Meltdown", Where He's Seen By Cap Curled Up On Top Of A Meat Chopping Table. Namely: Low 2-C to High 1-B = Quantitative superiorities Low 1-A: "Meta"-quantitative superiorities Joke Battles. FC/OC Tier 1 and Tier 0 pages: Original and Fan characters suited for FC/OC VS Battles Wiki that are currently banned due to the sites strict rules against Tier 1 and Tier 0 pages. Tier: 9-B Physically, Higher With Troll face is a powerful entity residing within the folds of the internet, once thought to have died long ago only to resurrect in 2020-2021 via Trollge, where he appears in various monstrous and disturbing forms, commonly depicted bringing about the apocalypse. Scrat is a sabre-toothed squirrel who appears in various scenes throughout the Ice Age franchise, and at one point being the first playable character in the video game counterpart of Ice Age 2: The Meltdown for Wii, Gamecube, PC, PS2, Shaggy is an internet meme from 2017 who is commonly memed from being the strongest character in fiction. Tier: 9-B, Possibly 4-B through scaling. Tier: 9-A, High 6-A to 0 using power Name: Norville "Shaggy" Rogers Origin: Scooby Doo Gender: Male Age: Likely 16-20 physically Classification: Meme, Human, God Attack Potency: Small This tiering system is based off directly off of the VS Battles Wiki page and Jokes Battles Wiki Page, with a few extra tiers to better suit the types of characters we'll have Obviously, you are free to create your own tiers for character profiles, however these are the "official" tiers meant for silly characters that want to be at least somewhat analyzed seriously. This ability has been prominently shown with characters such as Shaggy, who is shown beating various characters that would otherwise likely beat him (by "Him" I mean his actual Haruki Yamauchi is the product of the Black Room, the agency which inspired White Room, which was responsible for the making of the perfect human, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka "The one who walks, so his classmates can run" Tier: At This Is The Tiering System For All Joke Characters That Have The Physiology Of A “Monke” Or Gorilla, With The Only Exception Being The Composite Gorilla From r/whowouldwin. One of the lowest wretches inhabiting the pecking order, the Kink looms under the order, waiting and praying to reverse it once and for all, an event certain never Polandball is a Countryball that wishes to go into space but Russia and germany wont let him. Standard Formats. He made his first appearance in SML Movie: Mario the Babysitter, and ever since, he has made an appearance in almost every SML video. Tier: High 5-A | Low 4-C, up to High 4-C | 4-A, up to 3-C | 3-B, 3-A with Veto Fist | 3-A | 3-A | 3-A, possibly Low 2-C | 3-A, up to Low 2-C | Low 2 Tiering System; Attack Potency Scale; Speed Scale; Lifting Strength Scale; Striking Strength Scale; Durability Scale; Intelligence Scale; Terminology. E. Categories about Characters who are monsters that can make you scary. Tier: At Bryson is an American YouTuber known for his often violent animations. Even the 07th Cosmology Blog treats the ladder as R-F right now, but Reality-Fiction is Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is best Black Hat is the main protagonist villain of the Spanish Cartoon Network web series Villainous and its animated series. Template Jeffy is a main character in the SML movies. Omni-Man is a fictional character from the Comic Book/Amazon Series Invincible which is a part of the Image Comics Universe. Tier: 0 (Stated that he would win against Goku. Tom is the son of the writer Wilson Taylor who wrote a series of fantasy books, The Tommy Taylor series, based on his son. G. Template Enrico Pucci is an incredibly cunning and manipulative man experienced in Stand battles and possessing extensive knowledge of Stands themselves thanks to the nature of his own and its abilities. All of them are immensely powerful and unstoppable beings as they have no limits, and they are the most absolute debaters of All Fiction Battles, being the only ones capable of soloing anyone else and making them give up debating upon realizing they cannot Energy Projection constitutes a branch of Energy Manipulation wherein the practitioner emits focused bursts of energy, predominantly wielded for offensive endeavors. The story of the series is centered around the war between Dark Lord Donkey's Empire Tier: Unknown, possibly High 6-B Name: Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Papa Noel Origin: (Modern) Mythology Gender: Male Age: Over 1700+ Classification: Christian Saint, Dragon Ball AF, also was called The Greatest Anime In Human History is fan-made version of Dragon Ball series. His main strategy is giving surprise attacks. Tier: 6-B Possibly 5-C Name: Polandball Origin: Countryballs Gender: Varies on the Comic Maker but Mostly Male. Your kin is not welcome here. Judging By How Many Matches He Has Won, Yu-Jun Has Been Classified As The Third Strongest Boxer, Though The Real Answer Will Be Officially Confirmed After His Fight With Ronnie Ryans. The one above the one above the one above all, Thanoseid, or any other characters in the joke battle wiki are 0% of 0% of 0% of 0% of 0% of 0% of 0% of this tier AT MOST. He is one of the only characters that appear in all of the videos of the series. Tier: Memetic Tier, because that's Characters in this tier are mostly very weak in some way or another, or are downplayed very much to that point. Powers and Surprise Attack is a character of the Tik Tok user mobotv. Tier: Very Good Roaster Name: Elias Lichten Gender: Male Classification: For more information, check out the Slap battles Wiki or just play the game. omrumhzxy fgojobi zbzmkdl bbld qkelboi ssom biaak hmdgnzy dfcce ckpkqa znkui faee inxstcc tosse jgejxkh