Homebrew ps3 4k pro mod The PlayStation 5 homebrew scene is going strong, with developers actively working towards cracking the system wide open. Anyone have it and share their experiwnce? News, updates, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Wiki and FAQ PS3 Developer Wiki Discord Chat Room. The changelog of this version v1. DeViL303, Apr 30, 2017, XMB Mods. Discussions: 27 Messages: 259. Dieses Modding-Paket enthält eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Tools und Features, die eure gemoddete PS3 noch vielseitiger machen. Joined: just returns to XMB if it means anything I have the PS3 4K Pro mod. Right after the system reboot and i think it was successfully installed. DeViL303, Nov 5, 2016. Anyway, Webman MOD will remain one I installed it before on 4. PS4™ System Fonts. 1. After running the update the PS3 will display a string of text containing the minimum firmware version (minver) your console can use. Add a Comment It's a visual mod but no way it's actually 4k. 95 MB) From the video's caption are the changes via LuanTeles, to quote: PS3 PRO MOD for 4. Zapraszam na poradnik!Należy pamiętać, że każda modyfikacja konsoli może zakończyć się uszkodzeniem sprzę 👀 Welcome to Virus Mike's Channel 👀 ⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️This video is only educational and demonstrates offline, person Fixes small issue with the Night King impose plugin mod. Is it possible? PSX Place is your leader for the latest Homebrew & Hacking News in the world of PlayStation. Description: PSVibe is a just-for-fun homebrew application for the PS3. - Rebuild the Mod as a PKG. 88 for some reason Reply reply Zero_fon_Fabre • Oh, ok. Streaming service for PS3™ 4K Pro, Content only available in Brazilian Portuguese. Movian Media Center (PS3) I recently installed PS3 4K Pro for my HEN'd PS3 and it's quite serene. 89? PSX Place is your leader for the latest Homebrew & Hacking News in the world of PlayStation. Description: What is Ps3™ 4K Pro Mod? It's a Collection Of Mods that Changes the PS3™ System Look: PS4™ Boot Sounds. This collections contains he PS3 PRO coldboot & gameboot, new boot & xmb sounds, New Custom Icons & new xmb wave , Checkout the video preview and see the Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > Homebrew Development > XMB Modifications > LuanTeles updated PS3 4K PRO MOD with a new update entry: v3. Latest Release of PS3™ 4K Pro Lite. PS3™ 4K Pro System Texts. Getting Helps? Hacking a PS4; Hacking a PS3; Hacking a PS2; Hacking a VITA This is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the PS3 Mods Wiki. SEN Enabler. 47. 4. Custom game update checker with homebrew support for PS3™ 4K Pro. 56K subscribers in the ps3homebrew community. CFW Tools. 88 for the PS3, which temporarily broke HEN support. Three major models were released in it's lifespan: the "fat", "slim", and "super slim". Homebrew developers: @aldostools (webMAN mod/IrisMAN, Mamba payloads) - HERE; @bucanero (Apollo Save Tool, PKGi, ArtemisPS3, libs) - HERE; @deank (multiMAN, sMAN, webMAN, Movian, etc) - HERE <<< Deank Dropped the PS3 support for movian because of the lack of donations, PLEASE SHOW HIM SOME LOVE. [*PS3 4K Mod Official Site*] PS3 4K Pro V2. 8: - Support of CFW 4. 81 PS3 Custom Firmware user's as psx-place memeber LuanTeles has put together and released a suite of XMB modifications that he has dubbed the PS3 PRO MOD. PS3 PRO Coldboot; PS4 Boot Sound; PS4 XMB Sounds; PS3 strings changed to PS3 PRO; Some After that I installed an earlier version, because I just don't wanted to damn the complete Mod only because of some bugs (but then I realized that all dev_blind files were only reset to the original CFW data by the uninstallation program, but some unused files (like your own PS3 4K Pro symbols) are still there ( even after full system The Lite version includes only essential features and preset customizations. 89 and it destroyed the ps3 and had to format, is it the same on 4. 89 CFW Evilnat? Click to expand No you can't, the layout files has been changed on 4. 87 me avisa porfas I have installed the ps3 4k pro mod, during the installation process the installation has been stuck at 20%, so i quitted it, but the mod has been installed without the enable hen button in the xmb, i want to uninstall the mod now but can’t do that without hen enabled. 83 OFW, the last attempt Sony made to Hello ! Just done modding a PS3 SS with HEN and 4. 1 - 242 likes, 28 comments. Home Resources > PlayStation 3 (PS3) > Download Now Via external site; PS3 PS1 and PS2 Emulator Mods Emulator mods for ps1_emu, ps1_netemu, ps2_emu, ps2_gxemu, and ps2_netemu XMB Package Downloader is a "Homebrew Store" that is intergrated into the XMB. Mar 05, 2020. Custom Firmware Update support for PS3™ 4K Pro. DeViL303, Feb 16, PS3 Homebrew software that can run from either PS3 CFW or a simple PS3 Jailbreak. I sounds pretty, it looks pretty, and it feels rather nice to use, especially since it updates many of the icons to look more modern and functional. 19 8 32. However a lot of the PS3 library runs at 720p anyway. Members Online. I installed PS3 Pro successfully, but I was having massive performance issues and my fan went crazy at one point, so I decided to hey, so recently i installed the PS3 4K PRO mod and when i go to the hen section , there isn't a HEN 4. 81/4. News, releases, and discussion regarding PS4 jailbreaks, homebrew, and mods. I couldn’t find much help with the downloads they all showed as viruses for me on the websites. - Added Reboot System Option (Translated for All Languages) under Users XMB # Homebrew Enabler Pro™ A exploit that allows the console to run unsigned code. 91] PS3 4K Pro V5. 18 [Latest Version 4. 1 but i can not find the uninstall option. PSNpatch. 87 and it kinda worked but not completely, it made my PS3 unstable so I had to reset my entire PS3 without backing it up. webMAN MOD. We reported a few days ago that Sony have released firmware 4. 91 ? jump to content. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. PS3 4K PRO XMB Modification [v2. PS4™ PS Store Icon. Along with the PS3HEN update is the release of Hybrid Firmware (HFW), which is just an official firmware (4. If you already have a version of Ultimate Toolbox running on your PS3, you should be able to install the latest version from the Toolbox Setup > About Toolbox > Update menu. I reinstalled cfw and it isnt as glitchy as before but for example in psn tab it doesnt load trophies or ps store icon. All are welcome in /r/PS3. Todo lo que YO uso en mi canal y MUY BARATO:Placa EspS2Mini para Liberar PS4: https://s. 9 MB) / PS3 4K PRO (EN-US). What does it do I saw it and I’m curious what are some pros and cons of it Share Sort by: Best. Hi Folks, i've installed the PS3 PRO 4K Mod yesterday but i couldnt find any option to hide/disable the temps overlay. PS4 PS3 4K PRO - can't enable hen anymore hey, so recently i installed the PS3 4K PRO mod and when i go to the hen section , there isn't a HEN 4. Jadi jelas yak. 89, a lot of Xmb elements will be out of place. 0 - Fixed: MultiMan Freeze. 🛠️Slightly modded version of the Homebrew Enabler: Custom What's New Items. O. I don't know why people are calling the firmware a gimmick. 2 D-PEX and Rebug 4. Added: Wed. I would also advise to read the reviews of the pro mod, as some people have experienced some small bugs, they might not show up the same on OFW as there is less other mods to worry about that could conflict but still worth reading. Discussion in 'XMB Can you guys pleaase help i downloaded the ps3 4k pro mod and it got corrupted The apollo-ps3 homebrew app allows Filesize: 3. Q&A. Sedangkan kombinasi tombol untuk atur kipas dan disable CFW syscall itu sebenarnya WebMan Mod yang oleh Aldo Vargas direlease juga secara gratis tis tis! hey, so recently i installed the PS3 4K PRO mod and when i go to the hen section , there isn't a HEN 4. PS4™ GameBoot Sounds. PS4 PS3 4K Pro es una colección de mods que cambian la apariencia de PS3. So I tried uninstalling it in XMB after going to OFW and then back to HFW Homebrew Enabler Pro for PS3™ 4K Pro. PS3 Homebrew Enabler (PS3HEN) An exploit for running homebrew on a PS3 without CFW. 00. 3; CylinderDodge - v1. PS3 Homebrew Media Player & DLNA Media Server Discussion. 87 sections, can i have the url to enable Thread by: lyyne , Apr 14, 2021 , 1 replies, in forum: PS3HEN (Homebrew Enabler for Here is a cool mod for 4. PS4 The apollo-ps3 homebrew app allows Filesize: 3. @LuanTeles I installed PS3 4k Pro 5. Contribute to PS3-4K-Pro/HEN development by creating an account on GitHub. 87 sections, can i have the url to enable Thread by: lyyne , Apr 14, 2021 , 1 replies, in forum: PS3HEN (Homebrew Enabler for All PS3 Models) I don't know where you found your version of the PS3 4K Pro Mod because all the code seem to be available on their GitHub and it's free there is no premium version. 9 [HEN] Description: What is Ps3™ 4K Pro Mod? It's a Collection Of Mods that Changes the PS3™ System Look: PS4™ Boot Sounds. Now the installation procedure has been simplified since PS3 Pro Mod is distributed as PKG. PS3XPAD. 0 or v5. I am not a huge fan of this theme, can I simply delete this theme but still have the current setup and games running as Does PS3 4k MOD weigh down consoles? Will the console be loud? I had this problem before, I had the HEN 4. A plugin for PS3™ 4K Pro that mimics the DEX xmb_plugin. 91 HFW, working just fine for games downloaded from PKGi, but for whatever reason most homebrew apps will give a black screen no matter what Original Thread See Link above for Updated PS3HEN v2. Please help me i’m on 4. If it displays 3. none of the videos uploaded to youtube go higher than 1080 which is also strange. Brings a PSX-Place news feed straight to your XMB 0 / 5, 0 ratings. PS3 4K Pro V2. Recommended Custom Firmware: Rebug 4. Cukup banyak hasil karya yang kita kenal sebelumnya Firmwares for PS3™ 4K Pro. Here you'll find most of the info you'll need to start using homebrew on your PS3. 56 or lower you can proceed. 90 About PS3 4K Pro. 🔰 Version: v5. my subreddits. 87 HFW with HEN per this [LINK REMOVED BY MOD] as a test, but I couldn't enable HEN through xmb so I couldn't uninstall PS3 4k Pro. Sort by: Best. Latest DEX version: EvilNat 4. it was terrible, was wondering if Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > PS3 Homebrew > PS3 Recommend Manager. Battery Level Indicator. Dzięki PS3 PRO MOD 4K odmienisz wygląd XMB konsoli. 📈Statistics: Unofficial®Stores PS3 4K PRO MOD - v4. Discussion in 'PS3 Homebrew' started by dracinn, Oct 22, 2022. the 4k pro mods don't look 4k in the slightest. The 4. Also, developer Joonie has brought back the webkit exploit from 4. The Ultimate PlayStation 3 Experience. 0 84 0 0 Updated Mar 7, 2025. Of course you still can play PS3 games in 4K TV especially TV with good gaming feature that will upscale the games properly Best answer is to either let your TV upscale it to 4k or wait until 4k external upscalers are available. Old. You can see it in action here: PS3 PS3 4k Pro Mod. Plan it out so its not as complicated or stressful if After I installed PS3 4K Pro on my PS3 Slim CFW CEX Evilnat, I uninstalled it because it doesn't look good for me but after that, I press X on "Refresh webMAN Games & XMB" in the webMAN folder and the screen froze everytime I do it. Ps3 4k pro mod on HAN? No, in this case the PKG file is a homebrew app that makes a backup, then installs all the pro mod files to flash in one go. Best. - PS3 4K PRO 4K Remade. having different font in the xmb and a new custom boot is cool if you're into that sort of thing. - Support for CFW 4. 1 on 4. 86 y no se si ya esta actualizado a la 4. The PlayStation 3 Subreddit (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). 82 OFW (that has a vulnerability patched in 4. 0 with some new changes from @esc0rtd3w and @Joonie of Team PS3Xploit to support 4. 8,234 16,494 1,322 The Official PS3HEN exploit has been updated to v3. It looked like CFW as I had rebug options. PS3 Developer @esc0rtd3w has released the latest update to PS3HEN with support to recent firmware update of 4. 88, via the installation of a Hybrid Firmware. 50 (addition) The Official Playstation Blogcast (addition) RETRO / EMULATORS : webMAN MOD Beta - v1. 1 - Atari 2600 Edition; @LuanTeles cant you u se some syscall to identify ps3 fw version, in the installer, to allow the installation of the mod only on compatible firmware (to avoid users to install it on a non compatible firmware and having issues)? Something like sys_sm_get_system_info (sc 387) or just by checking some files on the devflash (but you may encounter problems by looking on What is Ps3™ 4K Pro Mod? It's a Collection Of Mods that Changes the PS3™ System Look: PS4™ Boot Sounds. pinky, Mar 21, 2021 #9. Available homebrew games include: Flappy Bird PS3; Free Heroes II; Hexen; PS3Tetris What is Ps3™ 4K Pro Mod? It's a Collection Of Mods that Changes the PS3™ System Look: PS4™ Boot Sounds. 82 Firmwares Installation: JUST INSTALL THE PKG Releases: Changelog v1. Sorry! :/ Don't blame yourself, the mod is shite, and it should not be available in my opinion. Homebrew Enabler Pro for PS3™ 4K Pro. 82 ===== v1. Ps3 4k Mod Yo usaba este mod en mi ps3 durante la 4. Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > PS3 Jailbreak CFW and PS3HEN > Ps3Xploit [Official Forum's] PS3HEN & PS3 Toolset > PS3HEN (Homebrew Enabler for All PS3 Models) > PS3HEN is now supporting 4. No it's a mod called PS3 4K Pro and it isn't updated to 4. Last edited: Dec 19, 2021. I went to uninstall and uninstalled it, but my ps3 is still glitchy. It gives your PS3 4K by re-enabling the 128-bit transfers between the GPU and HDMI chip, very nifty programming trick. webMAN. 82 - Pro logos have been remastered - Recontruction of PS3 Pro 4K - Adding texts on the XMB PS3 4K Pro - Added system boot option (translated in all languages) and user category on XMB I don't know if this is the right place but I was searching for information for starting a project to mod a ps3. The console was launched in Japan on November 11th, 2006 followed by North America (November 17th, 2006) and Europe (March 23th, 2007). I don't own these homebrew apps, all credit and responsibility for its contents are entirely of their creators. 60 or higher then you will brick your console if you try to hack it using this guide – stop now and go buy a used PS3. PS4 Unofficial®Stores for PS3™ 4K Pro. Principales características: Sonidos de arranque de PS4 Sonidos de GameBoot de PS4 For dumping disc-based games, you need to use The Ultimate PS3™ Experience. Tutorials exist everywhere. Only problem, is the latest version is for 4. 82 Hey Luan teles I got alittle issue so it's not game breaking or console breaking but when I enable hen on your new ps3 4k pro mod and while I'm in game PSX-Place. it might just take a long time to inject them all. - Added 2160p Resolution in Settings ( Just for Fun) - Support for CFW 4. Actually it should be ok, you probably wont soft brick with just RCO/xml mods. Thread Hello there respected Sir, I just wanted to ask wether there is a new PS3 4K Pro version for the latest PS3 4. 3. How do i uninstall PS3 4k pro? you're running right now. 👍🏻 Credits: 007: Quantum Of Solace by @CabooseSayzWTF Battlefiel 4 - Public Cheater by @trojan & Jet; BlackSite: Area 51 by @ CabooseSayzWTF Borderlands - Bonkerlands by @PyrexBLJ; Homebrew Enabler Pro for PS3™ 4K Pro. PS3Lock. 2 Rex (CEX). 82 to 4. PS3-4K-Pro/HEN’s past year of commit activity. PS3 Pro Gameboot for HEN Enabled PS3 Systems This gameboot was created by: @LuanTeles the image above is what the gameboot will look exactly like when you boot up a game/app, if you install this on a PS3 System that does NOT have PS3 4K Pro v5. PS3™ 4K Pro GameBoot Logo. A list of definitions can be found at the bottom of this page. Good morning, I have a question and wanted to know if the PS3-4K-Pro mod works on the current version or not yet. Custom PlayStation™Store (Video/Game/PSN) Shortcut Items. Downloads: 2,935 Updated: Oct 11, 2024. VSH Menu. But it seems hard because as example my PS3 has only 900KB RAM left while playing. News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Other than letting you play older games, being able to run homebrew on your PS3 also allows you to play homebrew games. 3 Archive. 6) which is a collection of XMB MODS for PlayStation 3 CFW user's to give a PS3 PRO themed experience (that obviously counters the PS4 Pro moniker) that also incorporates some features as well into the MOD,. I've installed the PS3 4K Pro Mod, and I really like the blue theme that comes with it. Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > Homebrew Development > XMB Modifications > PS3 PS3 4k pro help. PS4™ XMB Sounds. Google Sites. 87 sections, can i have the url to enable PS3Hen PSX-Place Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > PS3 Jailbreak CFW and PS3HEN > Ps3Xploit [Official Forum's] PS3HEN & PS3 Toolset > PS3HEN (Homebrew Enabler for All PS3 Models) > PS3 4K PRO MOD - v4. org Link. And if that doesn't work, you might be S. Downloads: 36. 91. 1 (update) The Blindboy Podcast - v0. Custom PlayStation®Store Ads for PS3™ 4K Pro. News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Members Online Kings Field IV pkg created using ps2 classics gui freezes ps3 and deosn't boot game on ps3hen 4. Das Video startet mit dem epischen PS3 Boot-Logo in 4K, und ich erkläre, was diese gemoddete PS3 alles kann. Still, I can record Retroarch and some ported games like DOOM. - PS3-4K-Pro/Game-Updates Latest: webMAN MOD - General Information Thread aldostools Mar 21, 2025 at 9:12 PM. I installed the ps3 4k pro mod on my console because i liked the look of xmb, but it was very glitchy. I am not sure if this is a beta or what? What is Ps3™ 4K Pro Mod? It's a Collection Of Mods that Changes the PS3™ System Look: PS4™ Boot Sounds. com/e/_DDWynQ3USB CHino para Liberar Sorry i just update the Image but not pushed one :P It was before i got new translators, it will be released when the update icon changes And if you are on hen you'll need to uninstall it first then update, because i changed how it works. New comments cannot be posted. 4 Beta; HOMEBREW GAMES : Avoidance - v1. - Fixed: Compatibility with CCAPI in Cex/Dex Mode. 86, then the project was discontinued (I believe). These can be divided into two, namely open-source game ports and original games made by people specifically for hacked PlayStation 3 consoles. It also has a high chance of breaking your PS3. I believe it's a "Quality of Life" feature for PS3 consoles in this situation of Dead Battery. Mainly used for non-CFW compatible models. 9 on HFW 4. 2 REX; It gives your PS3 4K by re-enabling the 128-bit PS3 4K PRO MOD - v4. 3 D-REX 👍🏻 Credits: @Evilnat , Team Rebug and Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. It takes time to learn, I'd recommend just researching as many details about it before going for it. Mehr Features, mehr Leistung, mehr Möglichkeiten! 🔹 Was du siehst: PS3 4K Pro Mod in Aktion Features & Here is a cool mod for 4. 91 with the official HFW release (HFW = OFW with old webkit injected). PlayStation 3 Homebrew Applications / Games / Utilities and more PS3 Homebrew Apps / Plugins / Emulators. Only the shortcut combo should be nice, but the option at WMM startup (not HEN) will come in handy too. For HAN you will have to install each file individually with the injector for that file type. Test ok so after seeing your post i did some research. 3 0 30. dracinn Member. 22. sprx" file replace from 4. Report abuse Hi @bguerville! I agree with you. Canyon Visualization. Top. 725 102 97. Along with the PS3HEN update is the release of Hey, can i install Ps3 pro mod on 4. Improvements: Background Wave. Discussion in 'XMB Modifications' started by kozarovv, Aug 21, 2017. PSX-Place. sprx, displaying the system's IP address on the XMB and additionally showing whether the current online game server is PlayStation Network or a revived server, based on the system's DNS settings detection. Custom recently played database with homebrew support for PS3™ 4K Pro. I haven't used the mod, so I don't know what you're referring to. 85. The launch models were equipped with full PS2 and PS1 Custom Guides for PS3™ 4K Pro - External Applications The programs below are downloaded and installed to a connected USB drive (dev_usb000) by the user will, they are installed via Custom guides: PKG Linker: (Game Column) > (File Manager) > (Package Manager) > (Packages on WebServer) > [Information]. How download PS3 4K PRO on PS3 4. So the benefits of upscaling are meh. My uncle Package Files for PS3™ 4K Pro. If your PS3 displays 3. Contribute to PS3-4K-Pro/PS3-4K-Pro development by creating an account on GitHub. 1080i = 1080p in 4k Pro Mod and 1080p = 2160p 4k Pro Mod Louay, Aug 12, 2019 #555. “🚀 PS3 in 4K? Ja, mit dem richtigen Mod! In diesem Video zeige ich, wie die PS3 4K Pro Mod das Beste aus der Konsole herausholt. L. 84. ( because it is a homebrew) 2 - My File Manager is Based on DEVIL303'S Hentoolbox so all the features present PS3 Developer @esc0rtd3w has released the latest update to PS3HEN with support to recent firmware update of 4. i love the mod! And i have the 5. Added: Thu. Discussion in 'XMB Modifications' started by Buddysmith, Jan 7, 2020. Its best to use the official HFW when using the official PS3HEN release. 21 MB. Mar 04, 2020. I recently updated to 4k pro on My ps3 now on my browser where the network symbol is located there are no options like search or anything. 88 Hybrid Firmware is, for all . C 7 GPL-3. PS3 4K Pro V5. 91 isn't working quite right. Maybe the latest version on their GitHub has less bug than the one you found Homebrew Indie hit Balatro gets a homebrew Nintendo DS port Almost exactly a year ago, Balatro Hello everyone. 87 firmware. Buttons Icons. 87 ya que no me deja activar el hen por ser de la versión anterior, si alguien tiene el dato si hya una versión para la 4. A friend recently gave me a modded PS3 and it has PS3 4K Pro Theme installed on it. Contribute to PS3-4K-Pro/Firmwares development by creating an account on GitHub. Since we last reported several new updates of this project have arisen, which now Here is a cool mod for 4. pkg (231. I need help asap. He didn't install the theme himself so is rather clueless about it. 92 Firmware @esc0rtd3w recently i was working in a restore option for my Pro mod that is working pretty fine PS3 Homebrew. 50 (addition) The Official Playstation Blogcast (addition) RETRO / EMULATORS : PSX Place is your leader for the latest Homebrew & Hacking News in the world of PlayStation. aliexpress. 1 version of it, and tried installing it onto my PS3 running 4. It would be really good if the plugin worked 100%. 252 7,477 RSS. Share Sort by: Best. 88 remake installed, then I installed the PS3 4K MOD and clicked to run it, the theme installation was successful, but when the console restarted, it wasn't the "Enable HEN" button. LibHijacker (a temporary name for the time being), developed by Astrelsky, is a tool that can, as of its latest release, run homebrew applications on PlayStation 5 consoles The Sony PlayStation 3 is a console from the seventh generation of video game consoles. PS3 WebMAN LaunchPad What's New on PSX-Place (PS3 XMB Mod) 1. Determined Poster - Added XMB Texts PS3 4K PRO for the PS3 4K PRO Mod. Flash Public Flash Games for PS3™ 4K Pro PS3-4K-Pro/Flash’s past year of commit activity. Only very few PS3 games support 1080 because PS3 intended to use in 720p So if you force it to 1440p or 4K most likely it will break. I bought broken PS4 for 20 USD and It's alive PS3 Homebrew software that can run from either PS3 CFW or a simple PS3 Jailbreak. 📚 Compatibility: 👍🏻 Credits: Sony Computer Entertainment, the whole PSX-Place community and Homebrew Enabler Pro for PS3™ 4K Pro. It was called PS3 4K Pro lite 5. I recently installed PS3 4K PRO Lite from the PS2CV and since installing it, my system Evilnat 4. The apollo-ps3 homebrew app allows Filesize: 3. 0 of PS3 4K Pro Mod (I couldn't find a download link to any of the newer ones). Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > Homebrew Development > XMB Modifications > PS3 PS3 PRO MOD Release/Information Thread. Page updated. 4k isn't Homebrew Enabler Pro for PS3™ 4K Pro. updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Members Online. xxx ^ Huge news for nonCFW compatible PS3 Models (SuperSlims and late Slim Models) as anonymous developer's have dropped a huge bombshell with the PS3 4K Mod Pro adalah kumpulan mod yang akan mengubah tampilan PS3 HEN dan CFW mulai dari boot screen, wave, icon di XMB sampai menambahkan menu seperti Music Online Player dan banyak lagi pilihan lainnya Kalau menurut ane, Lapy ini bisa kita sebut sebagai rajanya homebrew untuk PS4. Contribute to PS3-4K-Pro/Stores development by creating an account on GitHub. PSX Place is your leader for the latest Homebrew & Hacking News in the world of Contribute to PS3-4K-Pro/Stores development by creating an account on GitHub. sprx, displaying the system's IP address on the XMB and - Remasterized Pro Logos. and in the market for a new PS3. 4 2 32. 7-Fixed PRO size in PS3 PRO/4K Coldboot News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Aelesto74. 87. - Added Reboot System Option (Translated for All Languages) under Users XMB Category. Open comment sort options. click. 1 yesterday. LOGIN; SIGN UP FREE! PS3 4K Pro v4. popular-all-random-users | AskReddit-pics-funny-movies-gaming-worldnews-news-todayilearned-nottheonion-explainlikeimfive-mildlyinteresting-DIY-videos-OldSchoolCool-television-TwoXChromosomes multiMAN (aka mmCM) is an AIO Homebrew for the PS3 that contains many functions and features for CFW. PS3 Tools. News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! ADMIN MOD Question Ps3 4k mod . It Only Does Everything. Which will probably be a while. using real ps3 hardware from a first series ps3 I want to build a custom model with its goals: -custom made chassis with led logo -high storage internal SSD -custom firmware for region free software -revamped cooling system LuanTeles has released the latest version of PS3 PRO MOD (v1. TikTok video from retrotechmodding (@retrotechmodding): “In diesem Video stelle ich euch den PS3 4K Pro Mod vor – ein All-in-One-Paket, das speziell für gemoddete PS3-Konsolen entwickelt wurde. Home Forums > PlayStation 3 Forums > PS3 Homebrew > PS3 Homebrew Apps / Plugins / Emulators > Utilities (PS3 Homebrew) If you wish to report an issue with ps3 pro 4k and/or get help, you should just create your own thread & mention @LuanTeles so he gets notified automatically. Contribute to valk7/HEN development by creating an account on GitHub. 67 ? Locked post. ADMIN MOD Ps3 4k mod . . From hardcore gamers, to, Nintendo fans, Xbox gamers, PS5 converts, and everything in between. The PS3Xploit team have been fast to update their support, with contributions from other members of the scene as well, and the PS3 Hen is now confirmed to work on 4. Check what model version & type of PS3 it is, then go from there. ADMIN MOD I can't uninstall PS3 Pro Mod! I installed the v2. edit subscriptions. Open comment sort options Best; Top; New This subreddit is open for discussion and subscribing to news related to hacks, homebrew, and Its 100% worth modding a PS3. Unofficial®Stores for PS3™ 4K Pro. 92) with the "silk_webkit. Credits The PlayStation® TV application is based on Movian Homebrew by @Deank and the Online TV Plugin by @lprot. Discussion in 'PS3 Jailbreak CFW and PS3HEN' started by Pesker5, Jul 11, 2022. PS4™ Game Format Tags. 0] Thread starter RealCFW; Start date Dec 29, 2017; RealCFW Avid Poster. l believe this will attend everyone who needs to update date/time everytime or sometimes to make some punctual procedures. Discussions: 157 Messages: 3,986. This collections contains he PS3 PRO coldboot & gameboot, new boot & xmb sounds, New Custom Icons & new xmb wave , Checkout the video preview and see the Download: PS3 4K PRO (PT-BR). 0 Homebrew Enabler Pro for PS3™ 4K Pro. PS4 3185 Likes, 184 Comments. Boot Sound. 92. Please HELP TheDarkGamerGr2, Apr 24, 2020 #1633. 0. What is Ps3™ 4K Pro Mod? It's a Collection Of Mods that Changes the PS3™ System Look: PS4™ Boot Sounds. For a first install however, you can download the files from psx-place here. @DeViL303 (Ultimate Toolbox, PlayStation 3 Homebrew . PSVibe v2. PS3 4K Pro v5. PS3 Homebrew software that can run from either PS3 CFW or a simple PS3 Jailbreak. New. Sent from my moto g stylus (2021) using Tapatalk dracinn, Oct 22, 2022 #3. Controversial. Discussions: 807 Messages: Latest: webMAN MOD - General Information Thread aldostools, Mar 21, 2025 at 9:12 PM. 3 [Old] PS3 4K Pro V5. I found a cool mod called PS3 4K Pro and wanted to try it out. This collections contains he PS3 PRO coldboot & gameboot, new boot & xmb sounds, New Custom Icons & new xmb wave , Checkout the video preview and see the News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Members Online • WorriedKick3689. Does it really have 2160p output and does it improve game quality/resolution? Share Add a Comment. 1+ the wave style will not be present it will use your PS3 Wave style you choose to use. PS4™ Browser Navigation Buttons. 6. 1 but I installed HEN PS3 Pro Mod v4. 1 I installed Ps3 4k Pro v5. Getting Helps? Hacking a PS4; Hacking a PS3; Hacking a PS2; Hacking a VITA / PsTV; Hacking a PSP; Quick Navigation. I'm not 100% sure I have installed ps3 4k pro on my ps3hen hfw 4. I found one and installed the only one I could. Is there a way to show this at boot instead of the original colors? Nando , Sep 26 PSX Place is your leader for the latest Homebrew & Hacking News in the world of PlayStation. News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! I have a question, why after installing this mod my games will freeze or just won't start? Then why did you install it? It just changes the ui etc and add some Features. kalau ada CFW atau HFW merek lokal yang pakai nama Pro itu sebenarnya sama CFW dan PS3 HEN yang bisa kita Download Gratis lalu ditambah mod PS3 4K Pro ini. I still not install HEN PS3 Pro Mod v5. PS3™ 4K Pro Boot Logo. 1; Retro Collection Vol. Download and install Ultimate Toolbox. PSX Place is your leader for the latest Homebrew & Hacking News in the world of PlayStation. 3 Google Drive Link. - Added XMB Texts PS3 4K PRO for the PS3 4K PRO Mod. in1975 likes this. Downloads: 35. PS3 4K Pro v4. 88 cfw running cex on a super slim, any help or Hi, can i install PS3 4k pro mod on HEN 4. 📅 Date: March 12, 2025. As the title might suggest, it is So I am on 4. vvpa yvlb omfpy hiujg zqil dajbdv ghfdm zay bqrcxbz tzhr pgqci gtywtl ligdn yvohn ytoooy