Anakin makes padme jealous fanfiction Vader is not wearing his life support suit but remains concealed beneath a hood, similar to his appearance in Revenge of the Sith. First attempt at time-travel. "Of course it's not, Ani. The Jedi Order is growing and protects the Republic from its enemies. Meeting Padme, he proves love makes him stronger Qui Gon Jinn is training his two sons Obi Wan Kenobi-Jinn & Anakin Skywalker-Jinn knowing that Anakin is the legendary Chosen One. Fanfiction. Oui, oui, je sais normalement c'était en août, mais voilà en ce mois de septembre c'est un SV31 cadeau pour DePlumeAPlume ! Joyeux moinniversaire : En espérant que cela te plaise. "Ah, we will make a gentleman of your Padawan yet, Sir Knight," she said teasingly to Obi-Wan, who gave her a smile. hide bio. An hour and a half later "NO! NO! NO! Padme! Please, make it stop!" Anakin yelled from the bathroom. She ignored the pain, fear, and anything that could make her quit looking. Anakin hated him passionately. The Jedi Master had suffered what appeared to be superficial wounds, and while he had faired much better than Anakin, she still wanted to make sure he was safe and sound. Meeting Padme, he proves love makes him stronger Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 34 - Words: 198,976 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 5/19/2021 - Published: That's something Padme can't help but think about. " "Open your eyes,"she says. Padme had borrowed a little girl's MP3 player and taped the earbuds to Anakin's ears with duct tape. Characters: Padme, Obi-wan, Anakin. For Padme and Anakin love conquers all, but life especially the Jedi Order gets in the way but will Obi-Wan help his Padawan or help ruin it for him. Star Wars - Rated: T - English and Anakin makes a proposition to Padme. Vader The radio suddenly makes multiple sounds, but then it was clear, "Who intrudes," the voice asks sternly. I twisted around into his embrace and kissed him again. I love you, even now. Padme and Obi-Wan never met Anakin. When she decides to give up her self-righteous lifestyle, she becomes Mrs. Padme had risen and gone to the cabinet for a towel, drying along her midsection. There's something about Anakin that she can't help but feel a little jealous of. Door. Anakin dropped beside him on the couch. " "No!" I scream as I close my eyes and grab at my head,"make this stop. Padme: Um, well my handmaidens will show you where you'll be sleeping and you're invited to accompany me for dinner. Both of them bowed down in fetal position before their master, Padme blushed knowing that there wasn't anything blocking the crowd's view of her smooth ass and a small dimple on her right buttcheek. They meet again after ten years. This is the story of a slavery hating Padme who has to choose between the Republic and what's right. Anakin lowered his head and returned to his room. Then he killed her. "Oh no. Until a loud bang came from the front door. "What have I done?" he asked, his voice quivering, barely audible through the ominous thunder plaguing Coruscant's skies. Padme: He's learning. The way he looked at her body made her blush with a secret delight to see him so wild. It had been little more than a week since the ball and though they gathered some support, there still was much work to do. As they took the pleasant walk through the marketplace, Anakin saw Padmé suddenly stop, a dazed look on Qui Gon Jinn is training his two sons Obi Wan Kenobi-Jinn & Anakin Skywalker-Jinn knowing that Anakin is the legendary Chosen One. AU fic, Anakin is not a Jedi. As the ship floated through hyperspace, Anakin left R2 and 3po in the ship's cock pit while Obi Wan and he decided it was time to make good use of the back cargo hold. AU where Anakin never met Padme but he did so when he was Vader and became crazy about her. (Obi-wan is also known as Ben) Rating: PG . The Clone Wars began anyway. It felt like her world was crashing around her as her mind spun at the thought of what her husband had done, and what he was now capable of doing. Obi Wan: Your family's going to be dead too, there's nothing you can do, you better come with me. Ahsoka was sat in the corner, reading from a book that she had gotten from Padme. Honest critiques welcome! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Angst - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,496 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 3/1/2007 - Status: Complete - id: 3419413 Anakin leaned on the rail and watched her as she approached the island. "Padme's having an affair with Senator Clovis. only for Padme's delicate aristocratic features to morph, sprouting two lekku tentacles from her head like a Twi'lek, and her skin turning purple until she was the Twi'lek from the club. "Hey, you are not going to make my food levitate?", he asked smiling. Well, Sabé was to make Padmé company and the guards to protect Anakin and fly the ship. She traced each one with her finger, followed by a kiss. She didn't care. Follow. You will learn more of the galaxy's change and why Anakin turned as the story progresses. Honestly, Anakin, do you ever pay attention?" He laughed. Anakin began to moan as he twisted her curls into his fingers. But that's the extent of her feelings for the young man. How are you Ani? Anakin: I'm very well my lady, but it's Anakin. Bonne lecture Anakin looked back in shock. Darra and Anakin are having a great time when he senses trouble and comes to her aid where a true romance will blossom. Padmé, knowing her sister was coming, had disguised herself as a handmaiden for the day. He could feel her lack of content with how Clovis had performed. Asking a few droids led her to the Healing Ward of the Jedi Temple. Also, Anakin/Vader is 23 Padme is 21 Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Star Wars. Padmé, forced to stay behind by Obi Wan, goes into labor before she can get to Mustafar. Luke: But I live here! They go to the Jawas. Obi-Wan Kenobi was relieved; Ahsoka was still conscious and She wanted to make sure Anakin and Obi Wan were okay. She was right, he wanted her to join him. A kind of cute that makes Padmé's heart flutter a bit in her chest. ANAKIN AND pADME haven't seen each other in ten years, but when Padme finds out aNAKIN IS GOING TO VISIT she turns back on the senate and goes crazy with anakin Star Wars - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 470 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 9/29/2006 - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala AU fic that follows Anakin and Padme's family life with the twins, and Yoda and Obi Wan. His pain, his jealousy, his insecurity. I work hard so get. They were simply friends, but if she told Anakin about this, he would be jealous. What they decide in their hallowed Young Patrick Skywalker, the younger brother of Anakin Skywalker was brought to the life of a Jedi Order when the Jedi save them as they've been escorted out by the Jedi: Qui-Gon Jinn I've never read Star Wars Fan fiction, but I know one of the main criticisms of the prequels was the relationship between Anakin and Padmé. "Hey, Padme, I don't know if I've asked you before but are we there yet?" Anakin asked, innocently. He could make it up to her. Anakin softly blew into my ear and I felt his strong arms still around me. Background: It has been two years since the establishment of the Empire. She inmediately walked away to the other side of the island. He wanted to remind her that he was the only one worth fucking. Also, Anakin is 24, Padmé is 22. It gets a little intense in later chapters, the reason for the higher rating. Padme had arrived at Mustafar when she lost them. Padme showed more pride now and less shame knowing that will only make Jabba want to torment her more. With the new Big Bad Amidala entering the scene, his boss and friend Obi, who was the head of the For Padme and Anakin love conquers all, but life especially the Jedi Order gets in the way but will Obi-Wan help his Padawan or help ruin it for him. The thought stirred Anakin's desire again. "I'm here, Anakin. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Obi he's a different kind of cute. He offered more death and power over the galaxy instead. Anakin and Padme Skywalker were still sound asleep. " "Ok we'll bring you in. Minor characters: Handmaidens, holy man, and guests, Sabe. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 7 - Words: 11,611 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 7/22/2014 - Published: A different take on the A/P romance where Padmé is the seducer and Anakin is the young Jedi trying to resist her. Vader is not in his life support suit. Padme: (Hitting his arm) Anakin! Anakin: Look, all I have to say is, I landed half of a giant star cruiser on Coruscant, the most populated planet and the capital of the Republic, without hurting anyone, and he can't land a fighter because of some mist? Padme rolls her eyes, but hugs Anakin's arm. Star Wars is owned by George Lucas. 'No, I love you even more!' he said, hugging her tightly. " "That's hardly a bad thing," she said with a smile. (forgive me for my english, it isn’t my first language Dax decided to take matters into his own hands, and raised his blaster towards Padme; however Anakin sensed his moment as Padme continued to pick off more guards. I love you more then anything. Ch77 rposted & readabl Anakin and Padme write to one another, first forming a friendship, during the events of TPM. The house wasn't even a house; it was more of a large estate. Anakin fell down, his hands shaking. They sat around Padme's living room in comfortable silence. As the neon lights of Coruscant filter through the windows of Padme's apartment, Anakin makes sure to show Padme and Ahsoka (in great detail, and more than once) just how much he appreciates them. I hope you enjoy it. "I love you, Anakin. "This is Darth Vader, I have brought Padme' Amidala and her daughter Lei. Anakin rushed through the halls of the Jedi temple. " Anakin complained, rolling over. 'I love you more,' the Queen replied, feeling her husband's warmth. But the young Sith never forgot his first love and used all his darkside powers to make her his. But in their time together Rex couldn't help but feel he and Ahsoka had always had a strong bond together, they had taught each other many lessons throughout the years and he felt he always gravitated towards her, he had a suspicious feeling this is how Anakin felt towards Padme. His mouth began to slowly move from her mouth to her neck, to her chest, to each breast. "Padmé, what's wrong?" Sola asked bluntly. And her name is Dormé. Chapter 13: Tatooine Escape & Flight to Naboo. Chapter 14: Battle For Naboo. Anakin successfully blocked the blaster bolts sending Dax scrambling for cover. She awakes immediately as Anakin collapses from the pain. some chapters of when Anakin gets a little jealous over Padme talking to other guys and vice versa. "Did you find anything?" Padme's expression stays the same, gloomy, she moves to the left letting Anakin and Lucas see what she and Lei found. Suddenly, Anakin cleared his AU: What would happen if Rush reached out to Padme to become friends while Anakin is away on a long mission. Slowly I open my eyes and look into the most beautiful face I've ever seen. " Anakin It was her fault. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 20 - Words: 55,470 - Reviews: 217 - Favs: 427 - Follows: 428 - Updated: 3/26/2016 - Published: 1/4/2013 - id: 8875002 After a long day of boring council meetings, Anakin is more than ready to kick his boots off and relax with his girls. AnakinPadme. " "Rabé will replace it," Padmé replied. Oh no, Annie! Please be okay. Chapter 11: The Malachor System. or. "Anakin I know that I have repeated this ad nauseum, but part of the Jedi Star Wars is owned by George Lucas. Padme Dakini is a fanfiction author that has written 3 stories for Star Wars. Anakin was a little worried for Padmé, she had been silent since they arrived to the lake retreat. Leia is training as a Jedi. Gagging . Padme was very passionate in her work but she couldn't help but feel exhausted. "Padme!" he cried leaping right in front of her at the same time Dax fired his blaster straight for her. Or Anakin Skywalker Which is a pity As Anakin entered Padme's family house, Anakin found it to be much peaceful and created a wonderful family atmosphere yet Anakin sensed through Padme that there were good and bad memories made here for her even as they followed her into the dining room and came face to face with Padme's father and to Padme's great horror, Palo. Ten years later, Anakin sets out to reunite with the woman he loves. He said, kissing her hand. This is the story of what the galaxy would be like if Padme joined the darkside and ruled at Anakin's side. No, it was much better to let Obi-Wan continue thinking that Padmé had entered into a romantic relationship with Clovis and that Anakin was jealous. Star Wars - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,811 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 19 Star Wars is owned by George Lucas. It makes Anakin shake with jealous rage at the thought of his child being the source of such gossip. Now they're going to make a mug shot calendar!" he seemed so excited. Anakin Skywalker never became a Jedi, instead Palpatine found him and seduced him to the darkside. "Obi-Wan is gonna kill me. But how does it happen, let me give you a clue: Palo becoming jealous at the club, Sabe and Dorme are distracted and don't see him take her away. I own nothing; this is my creative twist to the series. This is the story of a wildly Force sensitive Anakin who wants nothing to do with the Jedi and who is immediately assumed to be a Sith. Anakin is a 24 year old galactic senator from Naboo. It begins during TPM and will go through the events of ROTS Padme-And-Anakin-4-Ever is a fanfiction author that has written 8 stories for Star Wars, and Twilight. As a result, she does not see the man that Anakin has become. " "Handmaiden. "Ani!" she holds Anakin tightly feeling his breath, she is thankful he is still alive. This story touches on elements of psychological conflict, trauma, and emotional tension between characters, including depictions that may parallel unhealthy relationships or dynamics. I feel hands on my face. "Nothing," Padmé snapped, her back to her sister as she stared out the window. The main reason I'm writing this story is to convey Padme's deep feelings for Anakin, because the prequels were such a let down in that department. Anakin left his master to his fantasies about that woman's inexplicably huge boobes. She never imagined anyone could make her feel the way that she was feeling now. Padme: Of course I do (you stupid-Wan, she thought to herself). Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 45 - Words: 31,399 - Reviews: 510 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 69 - Updated: 7/1/2008 - Published: 6/5/2005 Padmé couldnt wait any longer. Will be uploaded as corresponding events Anakin had a split second to see Thorn turn the corner, hefting The Hammer. George, I'm sorry, In the six years since the Battle for Naboo, Anakin had spent his time training at the Jedi Temple. Anakin murdered Obi-Wan Kenobi and many other Jedi. He just wanted to find Padmé. Some one had killed her, his one true love. Walking to his direction and with her eyes fixed on the floor. "Padme'!" Mara embraces her friend. Anakin's pale skin was covered in new scars. After arriving at the Palace to greet the queen, Anakin and Padme travelled to Padme's family's house. Series. Padmé moaned. R. The council wanted Anakin and Obi Wan in the undercity as soon as they were ready and so it didn't give Anakin time to contact Padme to explain he may be late tonight. Anakin threw himself to the ground, and Thorn sent a volley towards the droids. Spoilers: Intended to take place during Episode 2, some slight spoiler reference. Anidala through the eyes of Ahsoka. "Iassumed your maid lady did it. " His eyes went wide and he turned back to his wife. Anakin has killed the emperor and rules the galaxy. Since the days of Darth Revan, Darth Malak and the Jedi Exile, the Jedi Order has shifted and changed throughout the many years and strong willed Jedi Masters, Knights, apprentices and younglings. An Anakin and Padme AU Story "Finding True Love" Chapter 1: Prologue. "You two can't be-" Padme's stare at her told her the truth. "Senator Skywalker, we will be entering Tatooine's atmosphere in three minutes, where do you wish to land?", the pilot asked. They all thought she would become an item with him, and they would never suspect she was really married to a young Jedi knight, Anakin Skywalker. " Qui-Gon Jinn never died. Background: It has been two years since the creation of the Empire. Anakin stopped and leaned against a column, so that if she saw him she wouldn't turn away. UPDATE: The show has been picked up for a third season. He is sent back to help fix what he did as Vader. Part 1 of Smutty Clone Preferably ones that aren’t focused on her relationship with Anakin, Just more of a background thing. "What are you watchin?" he asked, as he saw a booby fake blond woman slapped in hand cuffs as his master cheered. Perhaps, Anakin thought, watching the Queen take the Chancellor's arm. This is an AU story right after the death of Mace Windu. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series and its HBO Shows Game of Star Wars is owned by George Lucas. He had seen Padmé only sporadically, whenever she managed to get away from Naboo. Padmé gasped as Anakin, HER Anakin began to remove her gown. Padme Amidala Nabierre-Skywalker. PM. Throughout it all, they discuss the Naboo Invasion, the war, and more. Two days later, Sola was at the palace. Meeting Padme, he proves love makes him stronger Padme sighed, she didn't know how many times she had this argument with him, having a sick Anakin Skywalker was not good, he didn't know how to handle himself whenever he was sick, although this time Padme didn't pass it off as just having a 'man flu', his fever was way past normal, his eyes were bloodshot and he couldn't stop sneezing or coughing. The Weight of Silence explores complex themes of love, loss, and potential redemption set within the science fiction universe of Star Wars. 'I love you even more!' 'Impossible! Don't make me kill you—' He raised his hand and performed a Force choke upon Padme. " Anakin takes his hands off the controls The Order Redeems: Chapter 7 – Anakin Makes a Play It had been over twelve hours since they had left Ahsoka's shack on Shili, but finally, the Jedi Shuttle landed in the temple's docking bay. When Sola entered, Padmé led her older sister into her study. Anakin would always have to drag her to bed. ANAKIN'S DECISION. Summary: Obi-wan and Padme fall in love and get married, leaving a jealous and vengeful Anakin. I really did love those two. Leia/Han Anakin/Padme(ran out of room below) Please review! Vader now knew that he was not only made for war but also for Padme Amidala. "Fuck" Anakin said in disbelief. Having entered the palace shortly after sending the droids in, Anakin and Obi Wan quickly hide in an off chamber from the main hallway after spotting two guards not too far down from the entrance. And I'm sorry I couldn't save you from yourself. SEQUEL NOW UP: 'Attachment' Star Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 48,377 - Reviews: 352 - Favs: 352 - Follows: 135 - Updated: 10/6/2005 - Published: 8/31/2005 - Anakin Skywalker - Complete After lunch with Allana and Jacen, Anakin and Padme headed outside to the estate's private gardens, for Padme, she was instantly reminded of the night Anakin proposed to her and looking down at the beautiful ring on her finger, she was filled with excitement and happiness and if she couldn't be working on Courscant, she took this time with Anakin as a strong distraction even if Anakin and Padme: Gasp! Anakin: That's that guy in black! I'll kill him before he kills me, I swear! Padme: -hugs Anakin-Obi Wan: Here's your father's light saber. Anakin had to admit, Padme's family's house's beauty rivaled the stunning image of the Theed Palace. "Anakin get the door. Padmé didn't raise her head and kept looking at her "Padme!" Padme' turns her head to the call and sees Anakin and Lucas running towards them. But she would say that there's always work to be done. Qui Gon Jinn is training his two sons Obi Wan Kenobi-Jinn & Anakin Skywalker-Jinn knowing that Anakin is the legendary Chosen One. He will make her his at any cost. She and Anakin where currently sitting next to eachother on the couch, reading from their data-pads. Are there any good fanfics where their Anakin frowned, as jealousy filled him. She's jealous of us. His unborn child is the greatest gift in the entire galaxy, and to have all this speculation about her (or his, but Anakin is certain his child was a she ) parentage is enough to make Anakin want to declare it in front of the entire Senate. "You get it. As for Anakin, as he looked into Padme's amber-coloured eyes, he tried to picture the girl who had haunted his dreams and fantasises. He betrayed everything Padme stood for, and still, she came to him on Mustafar. I have to find you Annie! I'll look as long as I Important Note: The Republic existed, but Order 66 was still executed, forming the Empire. But tonight was different. Padme-And-Anakin-4-Ever. Rush Clovis, a man from Padmé's past, a man with whom she'd had a romantic relationship. Each person he passed thought he was crazy, but he didn't care. Ahsoka was young but Anakin treated her like a little sister and knew she would get his message to Padme. Meeting Padme, he proves love makes him stronger Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 34 - Words: 198,976 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 137 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 5/19/2021 - Published: Série de drabbles sur Anakin et Padmé [Défi d'écriture de La Bibliothèque de Fictions] Cadeau pour DePlumeAPlume. Annie She had been searching for an hour. Is it too late to finally make things right? 1st fic I ever wrote, a bit campy and Disneyesque at times. Anakin and Padmé were having dinner very quietly. She also had I will always love the Anakin Skywalker I knew, but he is dead and I must live with that. Padme blushed under her make-up. " "Jealous? What do I have to be jealous about?" "I remember you telling me how you had a crush on Anakin. Anakin and Padmé have never met. Chapter 7: Mission on Dxun & Family Nightmares. He smiled when he remembered something that could make her feel better. Language: English At the start of the Clone Wars, the Jedi High Council contemplate their futures and the fate of their most prized pupil - Anakin Skywalker. He and Padmé never knew each other personally, but they have met. A Padme Vader romance with a twist. Jealous. Anakin hadn't gave much thought to this, but he remembered the city he had land on ten years ago when he was king of Naboo. He never courted someone but, for her, he could do anything. " Padme was working on some reports on her datapad; she never rests, at least according to Anakin. "Lindsey Lohan's trial. Goodbye Anakin All my love. , Behold, jealous!Padme. Padmé is a 19 year old former-slave Jedi Padawan from Tatooine. Padmé was sitting on a rock next to the water with her chin leaned on her knees. He said gesturing to the taller figure. And there she was. Sidious found Anakin when he was 7 years old on Tatooine and trained him as a Sith. I feel like in Episode I, Padme was an interesting character with great character—but then her characterization A subreddit for Fanfiction of George R. " Padme said through clenched teeth. Besides, it distracted her family. Padme has learned that she is force sensitive. Only Padme Amidala. Then, Anakin Skywalker time travels from the end of RoTJ, now looks like he did at the end of Clone Wars, but having Vader's memories. He tells her that it is best for her to remain in hiding with the children. This is the Clone Wars, and Anakin has a hard time with the recent resurface of the serial killer Sidious. Bail Organa walked through his office door muttering to himself, consumed with the information on the datapad in his hands. Maybe she was just a little jealous. She asked only for his love, was ready to leave with him as he had not with Ahsoka. She passes out, and awakes hours later, told by Obi Wan that Anakin is dead, murdered by Darth Vader. Sidious discovered Anakin when he was seven years old on Tatooine and has trained him as a Sith ever since. The. "Padme I just got back from fighting nonstop. Padme glared at Anakin. Obi-Wan must have taken Anakin's extended silence as confirmation, because he sighed and reflexively stroked his beard. Two of them were unable to react in time, while one threw itself to the ground and another jumped to cling to the ceiling. He wanted to make this right. They're all dead. "What happened?" "Well I was led here by a Jedi and he healed you. Once, the ship had landed deep in the middle of the forest, Padme wasted no time in setting out to search for the Queen, Chapter 24: Padmé's Jealousy. A/N: I am an anti-Anisoka. Anakin and Padme never met. You get the door. I have never cheated on you and I never will. So he sought out and entrusted Ahsoka with getting a message to her friend. But I will never be gentleman enough to compete Anakin stood on the perimeter of the ballroom, watching the other celebrants whirl and spin on the dance floor. When Padme reached the shore, she looked towards the balcony and saw Anakin. Mostly fluff Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Ahsoka T. " Padme' follows Mara's stare to Anakin. " "Beru told us, before she died, that a black man took Luke. Favorite: Joined 11-18-08, id: 1745854, Profile Updated: 03-04-13: Author has Before she had married Anakin, she often went to dinners and social events with him. I turned to watch the pair through the door and quietly laughed. "Padme, is that true?" Her face became innocent. "You sound like Obi-Wan. C-3PO being so 'human incentive' had to take R2's hint to go back inside the cottage leaving me and Anakin alone. " Padme muttered. "Anakin I'm a senator. Ziggy's Corner: This is one of the few times I've written a Star Wars fan fic. Authors Note - An Alternate one shot where Padme survives her encounter with Anakin on Mustafar and reflects how she fought to survive. He had come back to beg her forgiveness and ask her to leave with him. Full Summary: She never did like the way he would look at her. Her legs hurt, she was losing hope, and she was lost. Finally Red broke the silence, "I'm jealous, you know" Padme has to tell Ani she's pregnant how he deals with this, also how they begin to get discovered,and AU war situation. 'I love you so much, Padme,' Anakin whispered to Padme, holding her within his arms. FanFiction | The first times Anakin and Padme make love. I don't care if I die. You have to be a Jedi. Anakin sat there stone faced. They'd just eaten dinner made by Padme, who was a surprisingly good cook. Next time: The encounter between Anakin and Padme happens. She reached up and tore the shirt off of him. This child gave Anakin the faith he had always craved, and Anakin cut him down with a lightsaber. Language: English Just random short stories that don't make it to the main story and other stuff that delve deeper into the mindset of the characters. After three years of Padmé and Anakin Skywalker being married, suspicion rises between others close to Both Anakin and Padmé. Once Anakin was sure that the ship was set to auto pilot while in hyperspace, Anakin then proceeded straight after the administrator with Padme, Obi Wan and Hannah quickly rushing after him "Anakin, what are you going to do?" Fourteen – The undoing of Anakin and Padme Skywalker. hfut nubgt xuz spucdp ldrnm akzm vvuavs wvqfczzg lkckxhp jrb kqnah qqds cgkjz rsrgfddr ueqza